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Old 07-20-15, 09:53 PM   #60
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by vienna View Post
That's the main problem with any of the practical solutions and alternatives. There is always the possibility of a change to a situation between the time a trigger is pulled and when the munition reaches the location of its intended target...

As far as popping the bad guys when they come up for air, the really bad guys are smart enough to fly low and avoid the radar while engineering the activities of their lesser brethren. Remember, Bin Laden stayed indoors out of sight for several years, making it unlikely if not impossible to take an airborne "sniper shot". The same holds true for all the other senior leaders and planners in the Jihad; they stay well out of sight; sometimes the next time they are seen is the only chance you may have to eliminate them...

Aye, it's not a perfect answer, and it's going to take a lot of refining but I think that it's going to help a lot in terms of collateral reduction which is, I think, a goal that we should strive towards because it will help reduce the likelihood of radicalisation of the victims relations and/or friends.
At some point we're going to be looking at guided munitions too which will help with the changing situation, guiding the bullet to the target, it might also help with reducing the chance of the bullet going through the target as you could order the bullet to self-destruct when it has hit the target.
In regards to buildings, that's a lot harder, although as we get smaller drones you've got the possibility of shooting through windows, getting camera drones inside and then shooting high powered rifle bullets through the walls. But that's stuff that's going to be more 20 or 30 years down the line...but then again, this war isn't going away any time soon.
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