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Old 07-20-15, 09:09 PM   #56
Navy Seal
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Nipplespanner, you still haven't answered the question: what is your precise solution? All you have said is a rehash of some of the same things I heard back in the 60s and 70s from the war protesters. The main difference is neither the VC nor the NVA were fomenting attacks on US civilians in the US and they were not setting up training and recruiting networks to aid in those attacks...

I thought the American military is the best anyways, how hard can it be to take this war of terror, I mean war against terror, to a more personal level and minimize the risk of civilian casualties,
It must be real hard because even you don't seem to have a practical solution, just platitudes and suspect "moral superiority"...

Why, according to you, do I have the responsibility to find an alternative to these criminal acts anyways?
It isn't my war, I do not participate in it and it is under no circumstances my responsibility to find a legal and sufficient strategy that
gets the job done while actually respecting the civilian lives involved and that does not contradict with nearly everything the country/military that applies these strategies claims to stand for.
One thing I was taught a long time ago, if you want to criticize how someone does something, you better have a good alternative to offer; otherwise, all you have is useless words restating the obvious to no constructive end...

Oh, and you are right: it isn't your war...yet. If ISIL and the rest are not stopped, you may have a rather uncomfortable problem with also those middle eastern Muslim refugees entering your country and the Muslim extremists who will use the refugees as a cover for their activities. But, of course, you'll subdue them, their bombings, beheadings and such with your sparkling rhetoric...

Good luck to you and remember, the vile US has sworn to help you, not that you seem to need it by you account...

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