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Old 05-25-22, 08:11 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
I know and I'm sorry but this was what were on my mind when I wrote it.

I feel so sorry for all these parents who has lost a love one.

Since it has happen before AND it will happen again because America has this NRA organization who will fight any law that strengthen it.

However all this is not my headache even though I'm truly sorry for all these life lost due to NRA and other organization who fights tighter weapon laws.

Then you could say-I'm not an American it's not my problem.


Why do you blame the tool and not the perpetrator Markus? Would you feel better if they were all pushed out of windows or run down by a speeding SUV?

The NRA, or what is left of it, fights for our right to possess firearms, a constitutionally protected right that is supposed to be recognized by the government and not infringed upon. You will never hear them say that mentally deficient people should be allowed to buy firearms.

You can take every gun out of the country (well theoretically anyways, I wouldn't surrender mine without a fight) and you would still have mass murderers. Did you know that the largest school massacre in my country was NOT perpetrated with a gun? Thirty-eight elementary school children blown up by a disgruntled school board member. The death toll would have been much higher if all of the explosives he planted had gone off.

Flanked by life and the funeral pyre. Putting on a show for you to see.
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