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Old 09-19-17, 09:53 PM   #14
Ocean Warrior
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I realize that it's been years since this was updated, but it's worth a shot to ask, right?

Years ago, I started using this program. I must have never updated it to later versions, because it didn't randomize the window, chronograph, and posters. Whatever version I did use didn't call the sh4.exe, but I believe called the gu.exe instead. I had set up my install to run the executable from this mod (renamed to gu.exe), which then called sh4.exe itself.

Now, I've been de-placed by hurricane Harvey*. Most of my stuff is in storage including my computer with all my files, and due to the fact that we had to vacate the property quickly, I have no idea where it is or when I can get to it. I've got a laptop to use, and I'm trying to rebuild a suitable SH4 install.

Short version:
Is there any way to get a version of this mod that calls gu.exe instead of sh4.exe? Either an up-to-date version or an older version?

If not, I think this will still be usable. It will just take an update to my SH4 starting procedure.

*We're alright. We only had minor losses of stuff, we have a place to stay and wonderful family and friends. Compared to a lot of people, we're actually quite lucky.
"Never ask a World War II history buff for a 'final solution' to your problem!"
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