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Old 12-24-05, 10:58 PM   #5
Subsim Diehard
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Southwest , Indiana USA
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Played first single mission RSR "Calm before Storm"
Time 2:47:36
Critical Goals "Complet " Reach VACAPES OPAREA
None Critical Render Assistance to burning Fishing Boat "Complet"
Evacuate Injured crew " Incomplete"??? :hmm:
Pulled up to Burning ship did not know what to do? backed up and came
along side. Finally a message said crew or injured crew was picked up?
I was puzzled on what I was to do with ship I was parked near it :hmm:
Got the message "Wach that Baby Burn"
Pulled off after crew was aboard and said there was a explosion near by guess that was the burning ship explosion? missed that
Bill that was a fun mission with fishing boat rescue that was a surprise Don't know what happen with Injured crew aboard?
I am sure I got a message that rescue was complet :hmm:
May be I should not wrote this. This could be a Spoiler
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