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Old 06-24-17, 08:42 AM   #57
Join Date: Sep 2016
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Whoa, this discussion is starting to heat up pretty quickly...

So, why not add something to the fire myself

While I may not agree with Nippelspanner on some of the major aspects of the game and I seem to get a lot more enjoyment out of it, in all honesty I do have to agree that the game is somewhat unfinished.

I personally don't consider crew voices essential and some times I even find direct sub controls useful ("some times" is the key phrase here) but broken missions and somewhat broken AI is in my opinion enough to call a game unfinished.


That doesn't mean it's a bad game. Even in it's current state it's not unplayable. Far from it. And there's enough things simulated that calling it arcade or a shooter might be insulting to the developers. Yes, WSAD controls feel very arcady and I agree it was a bad design decision but it's not reminiscent of the whole game.
As for the bugs, I don't know why (perhaps it's the mods I'm using) but I haven't seen that many floor-hitting subs as earlier, and, if you're bothered to do so, the TLAM/insertion missions can be edited (certainly not an excuse, but at least there's a way around the issue).
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