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Old 06-05-17, 04:45 AM   #8
Ocean Warrior
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I was talking about subs only weapons, but I see your point now.

There are several things people tend to dislike about USET80 but lets get some historic context first - USET80 torpedo was the result of the UST program to develop a general purpose/multirole torpedo. Back when that program was conducted two things contributed to it's outcome - the fact that a single organisation had a strong monopoly on torpedo R&D and the fact that Soviet naval theorists believed that the sub to sub combat would occur on the depths greater than 600m. This lead to the "Гидроприбор" desighn (due to the lobbey power of it) and the electric propulsion (which has superior transport characteristics that is speed/range at the depths of 600-1000m when compared to the fuel torp) being selected.

Those decisions meant that:
- USET-80 had poor wire guidance.
- USET-80 had a poor seeker up to (and according to some accounts including) the USET-80K.
- USET-80 could not be used in the regions with low salininty (battery uses seawater as electrolyte).
- USET-80 has low speed/range for it's class at the normal combat depths (less than 600m).

In retrospect we really should have went for the combustion engine desighns, as those were competing in all the calibres (there was for example a general purpose torpedo being developed for the 650mm TTs).
Grumpy as always.
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