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Old 03-22-07, 06:41 AM   #9
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medium modern split to my name for some 30 shells and one torpedo. 3270 tons


I was out of torps off the coast of japan , 1st mission. Along comes this Freighter 5,000+tn I'm on the Bridge and deck gun crew fired off there 1st shell, it hit her midships, 2nd shell hits her deck BOOOOM! the whole thing went up in a massive fireball. 2 shells and she was down. 2shells , it would have taken at least 4 torps to put a 5,000+tn freighter down.

Though that said my 20+ torps on my USS Gar only sent 4 ships to the bottom, my gun took out a total of 4 freighters and 4 fishing boats. My AA Gunner bagged 2 aircraft, 1 Zero and 1 Betty.


Can anyone tell me if they get a Patrol report in there log book back at PH, I completed my patrol, I left PH 10th Dec 1941 and arrived on station off the coast of Japan (star with binoculars) 27th Dec. It wasn't until the 11th of Jan 42 that the star change colour and my patrol was completed. I made my way back to PH and when I got there, I got a Campaign Star, I got another CS to give to a member of my crew along with 3 Service Medals.

Now score was up on the chalk board next to the Mission Map, but when I looked in my Log on my desk, it said No Patrol???
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