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Old 01-19-22, 09:38 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
Definitely ignore the historical ranges in the stock aka out of the box unmodded game. UBI did not bother to provide historical range/speed to the subs nor did they include the function to tell you max range at current speed etc. There are mods that address this. In stock game, will need to do some testing , monitor consumption at various speed, measure distances and estimate ability to make it.

Been ages since ran this sim without mods, but if I recall I believe somewhere around 9.5 knots was speed used to tool around the pacific. Subs in most cases proceeded at standard speed....15.5-16 knots for Gato and Balao to and from patrol areas. Those particularly long trips maybe have went slightly slower. Something we do not have to worry about (should) in SH 4 is etc and had to get to area in a reasonable time, and patrol, then return, thus travel at a reasonable speed.

As far as I know, the boats went on an economical course, 10 knots. If, after the patrol, the boat returned home, it could indeed go fully to the base with the appropriate fuel balance and permission received from the coast to this mode of passage and excessive fuel consumption.
Such a quick transition was often allowed from Midway to Pearl Harbor, connected rather not with the desire to get home faster, but due to the possible threat of Japanese submarines.

Насколько мне известно в район патрулирования лодки шли экономичным ходом, 10 узлов. Если после патруля лодка возвращалась домой, то она действительно могла идти полным ходом в базу при соответствующем остатке топлива и полученном разрешении с берега на этот режим хода и излишнюю трату топлива.
Такой быстрый переход часто разрешался от Мидуэя до Перл-Харбора, связанный скорее не с желанием по быстрее попасть домой, а из-за возможной угрозы японских субмарин.
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