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Old 02-24-13, 12:29 PM   #61
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I am at the point where I wish all sides of this debate would just live and let live.

I miss NRA president Charelton Heston, "Guns don't kill people... damn dirty apes with guns kill people." (Think Planet of the Apes)

As a lifetime member of the NRA, Wayne LaPierce is not my favorite and I definately do not think that the organization handled recent events in the best they could. The publicist who came up with that statement about Sandy Hook Elementary should be slapped.

I don't think that in today's political landscape the NRA can afford not to be a little arrogant. Politicans will do what they can to milk every tragedy or situation to make a name for themselves and support the agenda of the people who contribute to their electorial campains. Its a slippery slope and if you give too easy on any one issue, that inch you conceded will suddenly become a mile. That is why I believe that the NRA fights over everything so hard, makes assine statements, and at times even bewilders its members with what comes out of Wayne LaPierce's mouth. It makes those members of Congress think twice about wanting to deal with a long and protracted fight. Being that way allows the NRA to suffer a minor defeat and still win a tactical victory.

Now there's talk about having each firearm owner being required to purchase a million dollar insurance policy to cover both accidental and intentional injuries caused by that person's guns. So, I and people like me pay more money for something that the majority of people doing the murdering will never purchase. Go and try to find an insurance company that will underwite intentional/criminal use of a firearm. You won't. BRILLIANT!

I personnally think that each member of Congress should be required to pay for insurance against visits from the "Bad Idea Fairy". The premium should be calculated to cost the exact amount of their 100% pension and cadillac health care value. DO I HEAR A SECOND?!?!?
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