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Old 09-01-07, 03:58 AM   #42
Ace of the Deep
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Default Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB

The 273rd NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


The rise of the European Community in the mid-1990's had a dramatic effect on the political and economic divisions in the world. Following the prolonged recessionary period which ran rampant throughout the world during the early 90's, the EC was the first economic body to rebound and the recovery was astonishing. What some felt was retribution towards the United States for "forty years of tyranny," the Community took steps to ensure that the Western Hemisphere took a back seat to the new world economic superpower.

Soon enough, the EC's actions against the United States and Canada led to dissension within the EC itself. Britain, still closely tied to its allies in the West, continued to ignore Continental demands to isolate the USA. Over the next several months, a new alliance slowly developed between those English-speaking nations of the world which retained close cultural links to the United Kingdom; Britain, Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia, along with several smaller associates. The English Speakers Community, or ESC as it was named, thought still somewhat weaker than the overly aggressive EC, began an assertive campaign to recapture the world economic market.

In the middle sat the Russian Confederation, replacing the dead Commonwealth of Independent States. Russia was a vast, untouched market for the goods of either alliance. The EC was first to initiate open trade with their one-time enemy. Unspoken agreements became the basis for the EC's demands that the ESC remain out of northern Asia. The Russians, however, began to feel trapped in bargains and understandings to which they had never given assent. Moscow, dedicated to remaining neutral in the developing struggle between Europe and the West, announced it would send a "trade convoy" to America as a move to open new markets for its own goods.

The EC was furious and announced that such a convoy would be in violation of trade agreements. The move was seen as an affront to "Russia's European brothers," and that force would be used, if necessary, to prevent the West from receiving "European" trade goods. Russia's only response was silence and a large military escort for the ships.

Author: Herman Hum

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