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Old 09-10-07, 11:49 AM   #104
Ace of the Deep
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i added the morse lamp signal code to the first training mission...trying to strip it down to the most basic application to suit my experience with Visual Basic Code..(which isn't huge)
here's the rub sure the entire mission scritping is written in straight up and down..Visual Basic the sky really is the limit..tough to do depending on your experience with Vb code..but for a expert VB coder can imagne the end results would be pretty astounding..

the above example is a simple time based job..

20 seconds into the mission the AI uboat ahead sends me a morse lamp message telling me where my patrol zone is located..

see the task bar for the translated message..see the white dot above the AI sub for the morse lamp..(it blnks on and off very nicely thank you )

not as yet genuinely dynamic...but i can at least give the player his mission instructions by MORSE LAMP at the start of each patrol.. wether this is realistic or not is entirely irrelevant ...with time and practice anything could be done with the capability..this is just one example..the next step up (code complexity wise) might be to rendevous with this sub mid patrol and then be given additional information on where to patrol...instead of it simply being there at the beginning..what the next step up is is only limited by coding ability and imagination..

yes your right about the interface i a way they allready are 3D
be worth an experiment to try and extend those flat x file screens into something else...add cylinders to place the instruments onto..might work
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Last edited by CB..; 09-10-07 at 12:03 PM.
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