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Old 05-03-19, 07:51 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by CybrSlydr View Post
Went out on the Medium difficulty patrol today. Ran into a 5-ship Corvette/Destroyer group running interference for a tiny convoy of 2-4 ships.

I think some massaging of the "Discipline" mechanic needs some work as it seems to run low/out in a very short amount of time.

So I evaded the ships and went on to sink three ships in the convoy. I then got orders to go sink a ship with a "critical to the war effort" item in it, to destroy at all costs.

So I plotted an intercept course and engaged them at Periscope depth. I had 4 torps left - forgot to warm up two of them. One missed, one hit. Third was a dud. 4th hit but didn't sink the ship. So, I surfaced to try out the deck gun gameplay.

Yeah, that didn't go well at all. lol 6kt seas, so relatively calm, but at the distance we were trying, it was nigh impossible for them to hit it.

However, it didn't take long for the escorts to bracket me and then start putting the hurt on.

Took a few hits, started to take on water, so I closed off the bow torp room, losing a sailor in the process. Shells kept coming and eventually we took on more water than we could get rid of and sunk.

Enjoyable experience!
I'm trying to figure out the correct way to organize my damage control. Currently I believe the option is to either seal off the compartment and sink because of it, or don't seal it off and let the whole sub

fill with water and sink. Last night I tried to plug a hole rather than fix it to see if that would buy me some time, but I forgot that I sealed the compartment and my engineer wouldn't enter to fix the leak

until I realized this too late. As I posted in the other thread about game play changes, I still think that right answer is to allow the player to order all bulkhead doors closed, but keep crew in that

compartment. If they need to change compartments then they would open the doors, pass through and then seal the doors behind them. Currently I can order to close the doors, but the second that any

crew member goes through that area the doors get opened and left open. This way we could repair damage (plug holes) in a compartment, but not flood the rest of the boat in the process.
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