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Old 04-20-15, 02:52 AM   #21
Silent Hunter
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In my game, the duty shift has a darkened bar over it.

I've noticed a number of odd things about the "crew" lately. Most likely they were always there, but I wasn't paying attention before.
The lieutenants aren't gaining any experience. Maybe this is because they can't be promoted above the skipper's rank? Everyone else gets at least a little, but not my 2 lieutenants.
The green bars at the left (one for every compartment) doesn't seem to have any rational relationship to the actual compartment efficiency. I've noticed it will indicate a moderate level of efficiency, even when everyone in the compartment is asleep.
While watching the efficiencies of the various compartments, I'll see the levels go up or down abruptly. This isn't due to gradual fatigue, nor shift rotation. I'll see the engine room Ef vary from 1.00 to .55 or lower in short periods of time on the same shift. This is without GQ, or such being involved. I can't explain this. I had thought that maybe it was due to some 'leadership' factors, but if it is, I can't see it. It is like suddenly part of the crew gets a jolt of strong java.
I'm wondering if the whole crew coding is working as designed, or has some bugs in it.
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