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Old 04-04-13, 12:51 PM   #18
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Kptlt. Hellmut Neuerburg View Post
Indeed I will whole heartedly agree with the fact that she is a moron with too much time. Also having read your previous post that this woman despises the classic black and white films, Lord help us if she happens to stumble upon the early works of Charlie Chaplin!
"I was born with ears that hear, not with two lumps of flesh on my head that serve no useful purpose.* Since the technology exists I simply cannot understand why the people who own the rights to City Lights have not made use of it by recording and dubbing in the dialogue for this movie.

"Don't they realize how many millions of people would be willing to pay to own a 'classic' like this if it weren't for the fact that watching it in its original form forces them to read title cards explaining what's going on, and pay attention to the facial expressions and body language of the actors? How am I supposed to type out ten paragraph diatribes on my laptop about how I would have bought something if only the manufacturer had been considerate enough to consult me before producing it, if I have to look at the TV to keep track of where the story is going?

"Honestly, the people who make these decisions must be idiots, they are losing millions of dollars they could make from people like me who are far better qualified to decide what they should and shouldn't do with their own intellectual and artistic property. Either that or they are a bunch of dirty filthy scumbags who think they can discriminate against people with ears and get away with it. And Amazon is no doubt getting a sizable kickback for helping them do it by continuing to peddle their substandard low-tech wares on this web site."

*Clearly it's the interior of the head in question that does this.
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