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Old 10-16-23, 09:27 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by PL_Andrev View Post
You can't have a cake and eat it too
I agree with you 100% but Wolfpack focuses on multicrew operations.
Nowadays it is hard to play SUB vs DDs when it is problem to meet 4 people together to play one sub...
Now I don't believe PvP is joining to Wolfpack, even corvette model is ready.
I play 4 times a week for 3 hours a time, always on a full, or near full boat, and almost invariably with 3-4 boats a game. Look for Duyfken and Frost games, first find the discord channels for them, where you can enlist for each game. Frost games are circa midnight GMT, and Duyfken 18:00 or 19:00 dependant on the day of the week.

As things stand, DC's are wildly too lethal, and the evasion portion of a mission for a u-boat is usually limited to one pattern of DC's, if it occurs at all. That means that the most dramatic and nerve-wracking, and fairly common, aspect of being a u-boat crewman is essentially absent from the game, as is a physics-model to more accurately portray the difficulties of keeping the boat and trim and at PD, and likewise a damage-model for crew to repair or stop leaks with isolation valves. Finally, the AI is woefully poor, relative to the decision-making a human being would apply in relation to an asdic contact. Even the "dive to 185m and you're safe" is a construct that necessarily limits dc attacks to a single pattern.

Playable escorts would put a great deal of that "content" back in the game where it belongs, not to mention make the duel between the u-boat skipper above much more personal! It's a no-brainer that this should have been in the game years ago, if only with human-directed AI ships initially, of the "Go here and prosecute an asdic search for 30 minutes, attacking when you have a fix, and readopting the search unless you see debris" variety; with players able to jump onto escorts who gain a contact coming later?
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