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Old 03-22-09, 06:17 PM   #1
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Default Fleet Command carrier "jam" bug?

I was playing the first campaign mission of Fleet Command (Steam version, stock), once without aircraft quick launch, once with. Both times, at some point in the mission, airplanes got 'jammed' on launch -- they counted down to zero and were marked as disabled, which is normal when they're busy launching, but they never did actually launch.

If I tried to launch more, I ended up with four jammed planes, completely using up my deck capacity in the non-quick-launch game. I couldn't take the planes back to pre-launch condition because they were already supposedly in the launch process, and I couldn't launch more because I had four planes on deck.

In the quick-launch game, I still ended up with four jammed planes, but since deck limits were removed, I could continue to launch more. Eventually, a chopper jammed too, so I had five jams total.

Meanwhile, in both games, the deck was considered too busy to land aircraft. So all my planes already in the air eventually ran low on fuel, circled around behind the carrier waiting to land, and eventually dropped into the ocean.

In both games, I had a "cold cat" call sometime before the jam, so I'm wondering if that's to blame. Maybe the deck crew were in mourning or shock or something.

Any ideas what may have caused this? More importantly, is there anything I can do to fix it, or unjam it once it starts?
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