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Old 12-21-20, 07:35 AM   #26
Sailor man
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Well it took 24 posts to hit on the OP's problem but even then got it somewhat wrong. Magnetic Anomaly Detection is indeed what is going on here but it has nothing to do with movement through the water...that's SONAR. MAD gear detects very minute variations of the earths magnetic field caused by ferrous metals. For this reason the titanium alloyed Alfa was rendered impervious to detection via this method but you could hear the thing coming 3 days in advance so it didn't matter. US subs (until the Seawolf class and beyond which are HY 100) are made of HY 80 steel alloy and subject to detection via MAD. The cure for this is DEPTH. Magnetic fields vary with the inverse cube of the distance. So for a TLAM mission with a 4 tube boat the protocol is going to be to fire off your first 4, hit the Emergency Dive button, turn 90 degrees and commence your reloads while also not crashing into the bottom or crushing yourself. Get deep as you can. Know your boats' test depth and go there or even a couple hundred feet beyond. This same technique applies when any aircraft is present in ANY mission. Many helo's have MAD gear too. That's why players die when they get cute and hide under a strong layer at 200 feet. It's hard for an aircraft to get a MAD detection but when it does it knows (precisely for that reason) almost exactly where you are and suddenly it's raining depth bombs.
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