Thread: [TEC] Help with medals
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Old 02-01-23, 12:19 AM   #29
Silent Hunter
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Nice work with the award text ElCid97; maybe you could just type out whatever you want, save an image of the text with suitable fancy/official looking certificate image, and add that image to the .dds or .tga of the medal? Instead of using the game's fonts; I agree they are a pain (and I never liked the tan color).

Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
nope. never could find the logic or the variables that determine the hierarchy of the awards, for any side.

i was unaware that one could actually "buy" awards for renown. i guess it is a chicken-and-egg thing. if one earns renown from missions, one should be awarded the medals. how can one buy a different award?
Sry should have been more clear. What I mean is, I will be implementing a system of buying medals for renown in my mod. Basically the process is, you use renown to buy awards yourself, just like how you can buy things like Alberich, better guns, or emblems. I will be implementing a new medals case and 3d awards visible in real time, so that you can actually see the medals on your sub. For WWI uboats I can use maybe the TBT or a radar station as the medals case, since those stations were never used on WWI era subs.

I tested a Bavarian military order a long time ago and it wen well - medal appeared with no problems.....was going to do some more but other things have been higher priority....right now my plan is for medals to be one of the last things worked on before release.

In my planned system you choose what awards you deserve based on patrol results, so it kind of relies on the player to be honest and not edit renown, but I suppose you could do that already, I bet most people aren't lame enough to cheat in this sort of game lol...I plan to change the stock medal award screen just to a general notification that you have been recommended for an award. Or that the higher-ups are pleased with your patrol.

Also, renown per ship limits the potential for dishonesty.... make it so 4-5 freighters allow you to purchase nothing but an Iron Cross 1st Class, whereas sinking a battleship gives you enough for the Blue Max.

Would be pretty easy to adapt to WWII time period and any nation, if all goes well.

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