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Old 06-15-22, 02:17 PM   #14326
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It was stupid to sign a brexit treaty with this unsolved contradictory clause.

It was clear that this thing would pop up again, and that such a contradiction cannot endlessly live on.

It is about eiodocuklously low ammount of trade and money. The EU exploits this clause to the max to press and hack away at the UK's inner sovereignty. So it does with the EU courts dminac tolre that it still has in certain things regarding the Brexit agreements. The EU court is the court not of a neutrla isdnatnce, but of one of the parties - it CANNOT be a neutral instance.

Truth is the UK almost INVITED the EU into this strong position. It shouldn't have, but it did.

This knot cannot be opened and cleared up. It must be cut with with a sword and a violent mind.

The British proposal to have red and hgreen trad eolines, as they clal it, is reaosnable, in my opinion. It makes an awful lot of sense as a compromise to cut this know in the less violent manner possible. No controls on deliveries from UK to NI and vice versa, but controls on trade going to NI for the purpose of beign exported to the EU.

Find a better comprkmsie if you can. ther eis none I can imagine. The alterntaive is to sue the UK and hope it back sdown, what it likely will not, or nuke the whole brexit "treaty", which imo was (with the NI protocol included) junk anyway. Clear cut.

A needless, stupid and inevitable situation. But as I said in the Brexit process: the eU will never fogoive the UK to have said No to the block. The narcissistic ego of the EU is too offended as if they could ever get over that outraging rejection.

I am for the green-red trade lane model to NI. I am for the kicking of the EU court dominance. I am against the EU megalomania project. Nevertheless I am not lining up with the UK side this time, since they should not even have gone this wrong in the first, and never should have signed this brexit treaty in this format, but should have gone without it. One could have known this thing would cook up. And I predicted that it would. Now that the boiling water is all over the place, dear Britain: care yourself how to clean up the mess without burning your fingers. I stay out this time, moral support-wise.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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