Thread: The Hunter
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Old 11-09-13, 04:35 PM   #70
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I did buy the 3-9x scope, it is exactly what I wanted it to be - a simple crosshair. I dislike the fancy scopes, especially the ugly 12x with those tactical mil dots. What the hell do we need that for in a game where animals have a max render distance of 220m-260m?
But well, we also don't ned the new .44 custom they copy&pasted to press even more money out of all of us... meh.

I got bored by scopes anyways and started to use this rifle (.308) without a scope for days. It is great. You have to get close, you have to wait for the perfect shot. I dropped ~30 animals now and all but 3 of them have been instant kills due to a Kammerschuss.
That's hunting!

The fat Keiler got away with a body shot - while I shot him in his head!
I think it just couldn't penetrate it's Dickschädel!

If you like the German style the game introduced, check the Blaser Bockflinte. I am no shotgun fan at all but this is such a great rifle! I use the .308 with the Bockflinte in combination now because with this setup I can hunt it all. For Fox and Pheasant I use the Bockflinte, for the rest the .308.

Now I just wish they would re work the sound atmosphere of Hirschfelden, it seems a little odd to hear the grasshoppers from 5am to 19pm straight... And they are so loud!
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