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Old 07-20-08, 05:18 AM   #8
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We've been silent for some time, but that only means everyone's busy working
The ATI issue, well, some time ago we were trying to fix this, dealing with a OSX package, and run into the ATI problem, particularly GLSL shaders failing to build/compile, and they were/are validated by 3DLabs GLSL validation tool, and Apple's GL validation tool, then one of Apple's engineers told us the problem was a (known) bug in ATI's driver. We don't have many developers, so we can't afford to spend much time with this atm, but ATI's drivers are improving daily (specially since they released the documentation for their architecture), you'll just have to wait, and report the problems in the dangerdeep mailing list (dangerdeep's project page), it'll be fixed eventually.

As for the status, work is underway for quite some time in lots of things.

New boyancy is done, so when you for instance, torpedo a target, there's a flooding simulation being run on the target, so that you can have the ships listing, sinking bow first, or whatever, they never sink in the same way twice
Torpedo code is being worked on as well, particularly depth keeping/steering, and end-of-run sinking, in fact this is working already, but needs some polishing.

Major work is under way with the terrain, this because the terrain is data based, so you actually have full bathymetry (correct) data, and oceanic currents will follow later (and tides), but the 1st stage is finishing the terrain/bathymetry. This is WIP (Work In Progress).

Captain's cabin is done, Kriegsmarine Soldbuch is done, the player's GUI is done, now when you start a mission you can select the uboat, player name, photo, the list of uboats and flotillas are historically correct, for uboat type/period of war.
Ship's recognition manual was also added, and it's already working, both as subscreen of the captain's cabin, and in popup of the periscope + UZO screen.

The data files were updated to have uboat bridge models (and this will allows us extra goodies later), so, the type II already has a custom bridge (and new GLSL shaders).

U-boat diving with the new boyancy is working and in-game, both dynamic (depth rudders) and static (ballasts) diving. Work is under way on the screen that will allow you to control the ballasts and the trim tanks, so that you can balance boyancy, center of gravity, do emergency diving, etc... The code is in-game and working already, the interface for it is being worked on atm.

There are also new models, Empire Dabchick, Empire Faith (CAM), Empire Lawrence (CAM), Empire Protector, as well as skins for these, and new destroyers, (J, K, L, O classes, with several skins/schemes).

We should have a new release soon, couple of monthes or so, things just take time, and we don't have a 10-15 million usd/euros budget

Just a couple of screenshots for the more curious, and don't worry if things are quiet/silent, that's a good sign. Stay tuned

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