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Old 11-03-21, 12:42 PM   #947
Join Date: Oct 2021
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I basically just purchased it off of ubisoft connect instead of the dvd and it works now. just getting used to the differences from the original version. I did notice with the ubisoft digital version it has to verfiy everytime i open the game. the DVD version did not. Either way i am up and going and i am happy. I have noticed that even thought i start a campaign and save then exit and reload sometimes it doesn't work right. No messages from bdu received, no dud torpedoes faster reloading stuff like that. So I had to restart the Poland campaign like 5 times but now i am good to go seems to work every time.

I do notice sometimes and it is probably my graphic card settings, is when the torpedo window opens up when it is almost ready to impact sometimes my game minimizes and the game audio will re-loop for like 10 seconds and then it goes back to normal, but it only happens when the game minimize is there a way to turn off the torpedo video window? I must admit I do like the changes in the twos mod. It is crazy thought I have a pretty high end system and can run new games at 100-150 FPS at my resolution on ultra settings, but i only get around 35-40 fps on this game anyone notice the frame rate ?
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