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Old 05-13-21, 07:42 AM   #492
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Default No zoom

In the ship camera view (Key <), is the Zoom function (mousewheel, #73 in Commands_en.cfg) working for anyone?

It's listed in-game by F1, but the mousewheel doesn't zoom the view.

I'm not referring to the ability to move the camera closer via up/down arrow, which isn't zooming and as the camera comes closer, produces a rather distorted perspective. It's ultimately a matter of taste but at the minute, it's like taking a portrait photo while using a wide-angle lens instead of the preferred short telephoto. The former is fine for 'landscape'-type views which emphasise your boat in is wider environment; but the latter is better if you want a view which emphasises the boat (and we have some lovely boats in this mod).

I've tried copying across various combinations of the camera-related files (starting with cameras.dat) from other installs where the zoom function works properly; no joy.

I installed OneAlex by unzipping the complete archive to a new folder outside Program Files (x86) (not onto an existing SH3 install) and used Multi SH3 to create a fresh folder for the career etc files in My Documents, and all else seems fine (it's a great mod).

I've Pm'ed the author and know of one other user who has the same issue; but it would be good to know if this is a universal situation or if anyone who is bothered by the lack of this zoom function has a fix.
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