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Old 07-20-21, 06:10 PM   #5087
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Default USS Drum SS-228 Tenth War Patrol 24 June- 16 August 1944

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USS Drum SS-228
Tenth War Patrol
24 June- August 16 1944

Assigned Areas: Palau-Yap areas for anti-shipping patrol and lifeguard duty on specified dates.

(A.) Prologue

Arrived in Majuro, Marshall Islands from ninth war patrol on 1 June, 1944 in good material condition. Normal refit, with no alterations or major work, was accomplished by U.S.S. SPERRY, and SubDiv 101.

Lieutenant B.R. Digby, USN, was detached and Ensign L. Hammond, USNR, reported aboard for duty. On June 23, 1944, the Commanding Officer, Commander D.F. Williamson, USN, was relieved by Lieutenant Commander M.H. Rindskopf, USN.

Readiness for sea June 24, 1944.

(B.) Narrative

24 June-

1300-Departed Majuro for tenth war patrol in accordance with ComSubPac Operation Order No. 215-44 in company with U.S.S. MEADE (DD 602)

1800-Trim Dive.

25 June-2 July-

En route to assigned Lifeguard Station

3 July-

0700-Assumed Lifeguard Station 10 NM West of Yap.

1058-Closed West coast of Yap on surface to investigate reports of downed aircrew.

1103-Smoke marker spotted 000 estimated 7 NM.

1107-Large fires visible near harbor areas on Yap.

1117-SD contacts. 14 NM closing. Believe this is B-24 strike second wave.

1119-Submerged. Shore batteries opened fire at 9500 yards.

1132-Closing raft with multiple downed aircrew floating 5000 yards off the beach.

1139-Rescued five downed aircrew in raft 4400 yards off Yap at 9 36 N 138 4 E.

7 July-

0700-Released from lifeguard station.

8 July-

Patrol area between 9 N and 11 N, 130 NM North of Palau.

0934-SD contact 6 NM closing fast. Submerged to avoid.

0936-Drum at 195 feet. Three large explosions well above. No damage.


9-25 July-

Patrolled West of Palau.

26 July-

0500-Assumed Lifeguard Station 10 NM E of Palau.

1241-Rescued downed aviator east of Palau. 7 25 N 134 40 E

27 July-

Lifeguard Duty

28 July-

0900-Released from Lifeguard Duty, returned to patrol West of Palau.

1 August-

0700-Submerged to avoid SD contact 5 NM closing. 8 24 N 133 7 E

0703-Several large explosions above. Drum at 200 feet. No damage.


2 August-

Departed patrol area for home via Midway due to fuel and op order.

3-12 August-

En route Pearl Harbor via Midway

13 August-

1200-1500- Refueled at Midway.

14-15 August- En route Pearl Harbor.

16 August-

1300-Docked Pearl Harbor. Terminated patrol.

(C) Weather

In the Yap-Ulithi area weather generally favorable. North-West of Palau there were frequent squalls, typically lasting a few hours.

Typhoon like conditions were encountered South of Guam on 3-4 August.

(D) Tidal Information

In the Yap-Ulithi area, the set was consistently westerly; drift about one knot.

(E) Navigational Aids

Lights from Yap's harbors and as well as at the Southern and Northern capes were visible at ten to fifteen nautical miles.

Mountain peaks in Palau Islands provided navigational aids.

(F) Attack Data


(G) Lifeguard


A total of two rescues of downed aircrew were made during this patrol. Both rescues were conducted close to shore and under fire from shore batteries. Downed aircrew were initially approached on surface at high speed until around 10000 yards away when shore batteries opened fired. A submerged approach was then conducted until roughly 500 yards away when Drum came to 28 feet with decks awash, permitting rescue and minimizing the boat as a target. While decks awash shore batteries continued firing but no shells came close. Upon rescue, Drum submerged again to periscope depth to continue searching until out of range of shore batteries.

Just after the rescue of 26 July, an enemy aircraft(MAVIS) the SD radar failed to detect was spotted bearing 100 at 5 NM. Drum submerged rapidly and as passed 100 feet was shaken by three large bombs but suffered no damage.


Date: Time: Location : Type:

7/4/2944 1139 9 36 N 138 4 E Raft(multi-person)


R.E. Worley, Capt. USAAF

T.G. Renton, 1Lt USAAF

O.M. Klein, Sgt USAAF

C.F. Beauregard, Cpl USAAF

A.Z. Joblonski , Pvt. USAAF

7/26/1944 1341 13 6 N 144 9 E Single in life jacket.


E.F. Myer, 2Lt USAAF

(H) Anti-Submarine Measures and Evasion tactics.

Enemy air patrols in the Palau and Yap areas was heavy with daily SD contacts at dawn, noon, and dusk. On average every other night a night time SD contact was made, often forcing Drum to submerge.

No surface patrols were encountered on this patrol.

Shore batteries at Yap and Palau seemed to withhold fire until Drum was at a range of roughly 10000 yards.

All harbors at Yap were guarded by subnets, minefields, and gun batteries. No previously unknown and unguarded passes in the reef around Palau Islands was detected.

Evasion of air patrols was to follow standard policy to dive once SD contact was at ten miles or less. Dive was typically made to 180 feet and would remain there for an hour before rising. A sweep with raised SD mast and periscope would come before surfacing. Enemy aircraft most times seem to back track within two or three hours.

(I) Mines

Visible minefields were observed securing entrances to the harbors at Yap.

(J)Major Defects and Damage


(K) Radio

Radio function was excellent.

(L) Radar

SJ Radar performance was excellent overall with vessels in harbor at Yap detected at 16 NM.

SD Radar performance was mixed on this patrol detecting most contacts at ten to eleven miles. However, it failed to detect a contact on the 26th causing Drum to be bombed.

(M) Sound Conditions

Sounds conditions in the Yap and Palau areas were generally good.

(N) Thermal Layers

No Thermal layers were documented on this patrol.

(O) Health and Habitability

Overall health and habitability was excellent. The long duration of patrol and lack of action did seemed to cause fatigue in the crew towards the end.

(P) Personnel

The training program this patrol was similar to that employed last patrol. The unqualified men were divided into small sections and each section was turned over to one of the unqualified officers for instruction. This method has proved advantageous to both the men and officers.

Enroute to the area and on the return voyage, drills were conducted.

(Q) Miles Steamed - Fuel Used

Majuro to Area 2030 Miles/18767 Gallons

In Area 6182 Miles/39791 Gallons

Area to Pearl 3382 Miles /42113 Gallons

Midway to Pearl 1300 Miles/20400 Gallons

Total 12894 Mile 121071 Gallons

(S) Duration

Days Enroute to Area 6

Days in Area 31

Days Enroute to Base 14

Days Submerged 8

(T) Factors of Endurance Remaining

Torpedoes 24

Fuel (at Midway) 13723 gallons

Provisions 14 days

Personnel 21 days

Limiting Factor of this Patrol:

Fuel and Operation Order.


The lack of shipping contacts in the Palau area was surprising given it's strategic location. The likely and unlikely routes in the approaches North, North West, and West of Palau were extensively patrolled. Although, this is large area and possible to miss approaching/departing shipping. The southern entrance and it's approaches were not patrolled as was another submarines assigned area. This the was first of Drum's previous nine war patrols to return without all twenty four torpedoes aboard, which is quite unfortunate.
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