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Old 08-11-10, 05:44 AM   #159
Ace of the Deep
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Default Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB

The 38th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

David and Goliath

Act I: Onslaught

"In a carefully planned series of attacks, the Warsaw Pact begins a war against NATO. Their goal is to seize West Germany, gutting NATO militarily and economically. The Soviets will demand a high price for Germany's return, or assimilate its industry and technology for their own use."

"The Soviet Union, battered by a series of economic disasters, has demanded substantial economic assistance from NATO and the USA. If not, it threatens, "it cannot be responsible for the peace and stability of Europe." The corrupt old men in the Kremlin expect that either way, they will win: Either they get the aid they need to stave off collapse, or they will launch an attack on NATO. They have already started a program of propaganda inside their borders, blaming all their troubles on a deliberate program of economic strangulation, all orchestrated by the West. The implied threat has not been lost on NATO, and while negotiators frantically try to satisfy almost impossible Russian demands, the military frantically mobilizes. The Soviet Defense Council has decided that the Geneva conferences are an attempt by NATO to buy time while it further tightens its economic stranglehold on the Soviet Union. Offensive operations against NATO, before they are fully mobilized, now offer the only way to alter the correlation of forces and break the economic conspiracy."

Author: Herman Hum

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