Thread: Position Keeper
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Old 10-21-21, 05:53 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Zero Niner View Post
Does the Position Keeper merely keep track of the target's relative location to the player's sub (provided no change in course or speed, of course), or does it also provide inputs for the TDC to generate a firing solution?

So for example I lock the PK (pressing the red button by the side) onto target A then swing my scope to target B and fire my torps at B. Will the torps be launched at A or B?
So once you input the relevant values into the TDC (speed, AOB, range), hitting the PK takes those values and those of your own boat into account, to generate that firing solution for that one boat.
Unlike the German boats, the scope isn’t always “auf Blau”, essentially locked to the TDC to the point you point your scope at whatever the relative “90 AOB, 0 gyro” bearing and wait. Mind you, you can sort of do that, but the TDC can do a lot more.
In you’re hypothetical, your fish would have a solution for ship A. As long as they’ve maintained the same speed and course, the TDC will calculate the angles, and will generate the range. And thought I personally try not making too many large crs changes when on approach, it does take your movements and crs changes into account.
To hit both boats in that scenario, I’d probably set my TDC for the rear ship (farther away) and fire when in optimal range, turn PK off, switch to near tgt, input their values, PK on, fire.

If I’m off-base here guys, lemme know.
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