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Old 12-08-19, 09:07 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Suzuro View Post

Thank you for your ideas, unfortunately, it didn't seem to help.

I didn't install it in the default location, and I had tried making a copy on my desktop without any luck, unfortunately.

I did attempt to delete the save file and restart, but all that seemed to do was reset my resolution settings, I also tried to install the DirectX9.0 that came with the game without luck.

Finally I tried reinstalling the game, but it just turned out the exact same.

I appreciate the help, and if you have any other ideas, please, let me know.

One other question, my old version of SHIV had a "SH4.exe", but this one just has "SH4Autorun.exe," Would that impact the mods at all?
Eh... you have to have an SH4.exe... If your folder structure is "C:\Games \Ubisoft \Silent Hunter Wolves of the Pacific\", there should be an "sh4.exe" and an "sh4.ico" in that folder. The "sh4Autorun.exe" would be on the DVD disk for when you insert it in the optical drive, it starts up the disk's front-end. Did you maybe copy the disk to your hard drive? Or are you using a new Ubisoft UPlay digital download?

btw, When you say "didn't help", it is a bit difficult to read between the lines - but does your unmodded game run OK? Do you get the main menu with a choice for an American and a German career, as well as Quick Missions and Patrols, as well as the Museum and the Credits Roll? If you choose a Quick Mission or Patrol, do you make it into the submarine after a couple-three minutes of loading? When you first do the Quck Mission menu option, you might have to click on the "Change Sides" to get to the American missions. The game does not come with German missions. If you start at a career choice, you should go to a screen that "types" out your assignment. After that, you should end up on the Captain's Office behind a desk, where there are several hot-spots you can click on for various in-base functions. If you click on the wall map, you will be taken to another screen where your mission Objective(s) orders are "typed" for display, and then you can choose either to start in the harbor, or outside the harbor. After that choice, you should be on your submarine. Can you get to there in the Stock game - prior to applying any mods?

If you do, then there is nothing wrong with your install. If it does not take you to some of the screens, that would usually be the DirectX install then, and on some of the newer download packages, you have to make that choice early on in the installation process, right after changing the install path. You probably don't need to have the box for Adobe Acrobat checked, and on some of the older versions, there was the online Ubisoft server applet, which is no longer valid, but other than that, you have to tick the boxes for the game, DirectX v9, and the DirextX Codecs, which in the newer packages should install just fine. I cannot go back and install the DirectX 9 afterwards on my Windows 10 machine. I have to do it when installing the game, and I don't know what they would have changed about the installer, but... If you have a desktop short-cut, what does it "point" to?

I recently purchased a UPlay version of SH4 for my Win10 laptop, and I changed the Install path to remove the "Program Files (x86)\" portion of the path, such that I now have "C:\Ubisoft \Ubisoft Game Launcher \Games \Silent Hunter 4 Gold Edition" and inside of it is the "sh4.exe file. All kinds of "layers" to peel away... My old disk versions in the XP days would just do "C:\Program Files \Ubisoft \Silent Hunter Wolves of the Pacific"...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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