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Old 04-07-07, 12:26 PM   #1
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Default Mission Editor Suggestion

I use the editor a lot and find it very good over-all. What I really need, however, is being able to associate goals, flags and conditions with units other than my own sub. For example, if my custom mission is to ensure that an aircraft carrier is not sunk by an enemy battleship, I need to be able to detect if the carrier reaches a safe zone or port (which it won't manage unless I do a good job). The amount of shipping I personally sink or which zone I might enter is irrelevant. I suggest the design team take a look at a truly superb mission builder such as the one that came with Jane's F/A-18 fighter simulation. There you can set flags and specify conditions for *any* unit. I fact, when it comes to flags, conditions, events and goals all units are treated nearly exactly the same and you can program these things for any one or all of them. For example, if an enemy aircraft reaches a certain waypoint you can trigger an event off that such as having an allied patrol take off or change course, etc. It's an extremely powerful feature and I would think not that diffiult to add to an otherwise fine editor.

It would aso be helpful if an AI unit could be forced to attack a specific target but that's a minor "wish" item.

Cpt J. Hazelwood
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