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Old 04-16-21, 04:31 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by froinchi View Post
First of all, hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a safe and cozy day.

So, some days ago I started to watch a streamer playing SH3, and this way I discovered the serie itself. Now, when I asked the streamer how should I start SH3, he told me to "never play without GFX installed."

I installed SH4 today, and I don't know if I need to directly jump into it. I have never played Silent Hunter games myself. Are there any "Don't go into game before installing this" mods for this game? Are there any mods that drastically improve my gaming quality?
Thank you.

I have a friend I just got into SH 4, he is on his first patrol, I will tell you what I told him lol. Make sure you have Version 1.5 . Second, definitely play few war patrols (career) in the "stock" game, familiarize yourself with the basics of the sim...operating boat, etc and so you will notice the amazing changes mods bring to this sim. Read some books about US submarines operations in WW II (can suggest if need to) as well. Once have done that, you are in luck, this is an amazing community and seemingly infinite information here, will help you get mods loaded up and really enjoying things.

There are hundreds if not thousands of mods, many which have been incorporated into the super mods, which are:

Fall of the Rising Sun (FOTRS) is excellent and the flagship mod for SH 4, it is the present and future.

Real Fleet Boat is a excellent, focuses on the submarines themselves more than anything far as modifications but seems the developers are no longer active or moved on. In conjunction with Run Silent Run Deep(se below) it was a great experience .

Trigger Maru Overhauled (TMO) is my personal favorite, as it saved the sim for me years back when I had grown bored with it. However, it is at its core a difficulty mod, so would at minimum wait until are familiar with things. Ducmius, the creator/developer is sadly no long active in the community. I have an upgrade for TMO coming out in near future, to give the old gal a much needed facelift and keep it relevant.

Run Silent Run Deep is a modification that mainly focuses on the traffic. As will see, the way the stock game places convoys, task forces, etc in the game is void of reality, RSRD corrects this while adding numerous ships. RSRD has versions for stock, TMO, and RFB. Excellent mod that played for a long time. Main issue is the developer is no longer active, so has not been updated for some time and is touchy to being edited or it messes things up.

You are joining the community at a great time, exciting things are happening. One of my favorites is thanks to Vicker's excellent work, we will have more compartments in each boat besides the conning tower and control room. Already have officers quarters for some in FOTRS, working on torpedo rooms etc. TMO eventually will have them. We have things thought would never see when I started running the sim in 2009. All thr additional ships, planes. The interior compartments, AI Destroyers, Cruisers, submarines firing torpedoes. Graphics, sound....really is impressive.

Anyways, welcome aboard and lets us know if have any questions.
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