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Old 04-07-08, 10:26 PM   #9
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It's always thrilling to see this boats in action.

But you guys really don't need to be so shy and can post bigger screenshots!

Originally Posted by Sung
But you have at least a running pre-alpha right ?
No, you can control a submarine and some ships are swimming around. It is a technical demo, no game.
I thought that is what the term pre-alpha means. The earliest playable stage of a game, even if it's just a vehicle that you can steer in an else empty environment.

What other project is this ?
A round based strategy game - not available yet.
Ahh, loved them so much back then. Still a big civilisation fan. In which time frame does it play ?

Is that other project finished at least ?

BTW: How are your games supposed to be released, freeware or something ?

You mean you do not know how realistic the game will turn out ?
Yes, because we wan't to write a computer game not a military simulation. If you mean Silent Service or others are simulations of a realy submarine, then we create a simulator. (Maybe it is a game simualtion, but no career modus, no missions, no crew management or such things.)
no missions and no carrer mode ? What is the player supposed to play if not missions ? :hmm:

So far it'S the only available one, as far as I can see. Besides my own project there was another one that got abandoned however. So right now we are probably the only newcomer left
Every Game has it's own game mechanic an game play.
Very true.

But not SHIII or IV ?
No. I personal have rare time for playing other games.
Same here.

Are you guys students or something ?
No, normal adult workers
But IT workers or something ?

Thank you, thats one of the reasons in my opinion why it is difficult to make a "real" and authentic simulation.
Too true. After all it is only an approximation and interpolation if you want to keep the efforts within a reasonable. You can of course keep researching and study for years and years and get more and more out of it but this is for real subject nuts. Basically people like me

I actually do not shy away from any extra effort to squeeze even the last droplet of authenticity from the history records. So my own project do not have a time table or shedule. We are real neat pickers and keep it cooking over the years till we got it to the point where we cannot spot any blatant errors and can't but keep smiling when looking at it. We keep polishing it till it shines like a diomand.

For me it is very thrilling to explore and recreate the past era in an virtual environment, the technology, the look of the old cities(we try to recreate even them. At least the major cities and ports will not be generic), ports and coasts, the flair, charm and spirit of this time. The work alone is very satisfying for me. When you have recreated a new thing and now that is how it has looked like, this is what thrills me about this work so much. At the end the player is supposed to be eloped into an other past era. But this type of development takes its time toll.

btw if you want technical details you can brows my forum which contains planty of them.

Thank you deamon, it is interesting stuff.
If you like I can also give some advice to avoid eventual blatant errors if you will show me some stuff from time to time. I would consider my self as very knowledgable on this subject. I cannot compromise everything I have yet but I can surely help to avoid blatant inaccuracies of which SOF was a bit to full of for my neat picker taste.

Ah, comon give us some real screenshots, so that we can see the details and discuss the poor graphics

Sorry, but i can not show something that is changed every day. If there are some interesting aspects in the development i would be proud to show it here.
Well I do not expect you to maintain here dev diaries but it is always nice to see how a game progresses and compare how it has looked like at the beginning when it's finished. It is nice to see how a child is growing and maturing doesn't it ?

You do not have to be so shy. This is an indi forum, you are forgiven here.

There were a bunch of projects here on display long before you came here, projects that are gone now. It always was a tradition here to showcase very unfinished game states and as far as I can see so far not a single indi game got ever finished here. So when someone comes here he expect to see games in an early development state, so naturally this forum is very forgiving towards very unfinished games

And your project is about WWI! That alone makes is worth to see even the earliest results. So the next time I expect to see a screenshot resolution of at least 800X600. I have a 22" widescreen here so everything looks even smaller. I can hardly see any details. Give me something to bitch about

Also by the tradition and spirit that the founder projects(which mostly faded away now) of this forum has formed, it was rather an open communication channel between developers, rather then between developers and the their audiance. Where the developers went to, to discuss their work with fellow developers, to get constructive feedback and exchange ideas and tips, well and where the audience had the chance to look the devs over the shoulder to get glimpses on what they are doing. So showing half cooked stuff was the actual purpose of this forum.

Ahhh, I have very fond memories of this spirit. It helped me to grow and gave me the critical courage to start my own bold and ambitious undertaking. I mean I think I am the only remnant of the old indi guard here. I spent my happy online childhood here, since this was the first forum I ever signed in. Boy, I was so shy back then that it took me a year before I finally became a member here and started to post.

I am the guardian of this spirit and tradition here so all indis are invited to show off and discuss their humble results.

I would like to keep this spirit and tradition alive to encourage other indis to step into the light and show what they have.

And after all I am glad to have a fellow WWI project at this forum that is open for discussions. It's always great to compare your work with that of others.

Last edited by Deamon; 04-07-08 at 10:56 PM.
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