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Old 04-12-22, 08:14 PM   #82
Navy Seal
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Default Lifeguard 1945 Test

TMO V2.0
100 difficulty, cams and contacts on for testing purposes.

Testing out patrol objectives added to new campaign, among them lifeguard missions for 1945.

Ordered to lifeguard station in Tokyo area(Sagami Wan). Lifeguard station is along the departure route of the bombers. Near daily B-29 raids (B-24 substituting, as we do not have a B-29 for SH 4, yet) on Tokyo area will make for a busy assignment as I have added AA guns to target areas, as well as "targets" for bombers actually attack/engage. Per history, B-29's switching to night time missions in March 1945.

January 24 1945

About 1300 SD radar picked up large waves of bombers heading South away from Tokyo. Via periscope, observed a few of the high flying bombers, but noticed at bearing 030 a smoke trail, appeared one was hit.

At 1312 observed bomber exploded and several chutes visible. Wreckage followed by downed aircrew splashed into the waters 11 miles SSE of Yokosuka. Risky area for rescue, heavily patrol typically, close to air bases, shore batteries on each side of bay and possible mines. Ordered GQ, surfaced with AA guns manned and deck gun crew on stand by. Upon surfacing, went to four engine speed, closed aircrew splash down position at flank speed.

1338 spotted smoke marker in distance bearing 010.

1341 APR-1 detected radar emissions, possibly land based radar.

1344 APR-1 detected radar emissions and made simultaneous SJ contact bearing 300 11 miles.

1351 spotted raft with several aircrew (loved the rescue raft mod) , pulled along side, conducted rescue of five aircrew in raft.. Another smoke marker was spotted bearing 091, this would take BALAO closer to shore and possible shore batteries, but ordered flank speed to close the marker.

1402 spotted airman bobbing in the water bearing 351.

1403 SD contact 11000 yards closing.

1405 "PETE" spotted bearing 174. AA gunners ordered to open fire when aircraft closed.

1407 After a couple minutes meandering around, PETE made a attack run. 40 and 20 MM AA guns opened fired. PETE dropped two bombs, not close. While pulling out of dive, 40 MM forward got a solid hit on the PETE, which caught fired made a wild turn, and then splashed into the bay.

Approached the downed airman's position less than 10000 yards off the eastern shore of the bay, where shore batteries were known to be located with caution.

Our SJ contact from earlier was now closing, with APR-1 detecting his radar signals, we rushed in a flank speed to snatch up the airman. Pulled along side and rescue him, as we were turning away at high speed, spotted shell splashes and observed the flashes from shore batteries. Continued opening range at high speed with slight constant zig along base course, "chasing" the splashes.

Lookouts spotted aircraft bearing 040 (flying low, SD did not detect it). Spotted aircraft as two "KATE" type torpedo bombers closing in fast.

As closed, observed the bombers had depth charge/bombs aboard, not torpedoes. Swung into the KATES to bring broadside firing of AA guns at the KATES. Also loaded up 5 inch AA ammunition and fired(only can do this manually) as well. One KATE caught fire and splashed into the water, other braved through and dropped a "stick" which missed as KATE circled back made a "dry" run, then flew on.

Lookouts spotted our SJ contact astern, it was DE type vessel closing at high speed but still at 9000 yards. BALAO continued high speed jaunt into open waters, dodging occasional shell splash from shore batteries.

In open waters with the DE, not identified as a Matsu Class , overtaking BALAO quickly, submerged, rigged for silent running and depth charge.

BALAO first went to 450 feet, as the DE closed in pinging, dropped a couple patterns, which were way off. Then after about ten minutes of pinging, DE made a run and laid a nice, close pattern, causing minor damage. Balao wen to 500 ft, more close depth charges, finally at 600 feet, escort seemed to have trouble tracking BALAO, but kept hunting.

After three hours, lost contact, but aware he may have been "sleeping", maintained 600 feet and silent running. Secured from GQ.

Upon returning to periscope depth and then radar depth for sweep, closest contact was 18000 yards astern. Secured silent running and surfaced to search general area for other aircrew along the formations retirement path to towards the Mariana Islands.

One hour after surfacing, received report of downed aircrew near Hachijo- Jima about 95 miles away. (report was likely hours old due to time submerged but broadcasted until received as marked in the mission file). Set course for Hachijo Jima at flank speed.

Spotted aviator in water five miles West of Hachijo Jima, as slowed to come along side to recover him, APR-1 and SD radar had simultaneous contact at 7 miles. Submerged to avoid, raised SD antenna. SD contact was lost 5 minutes later. Surfaced and closed downed airman, rescuing him from the water. Without no strike scheduled for next day, decided to proceed to Cape Inubosaki Area and patrol for coastal shipping.
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