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Old 04-11-07, 02:52 AM   #186
Join Date: May 2005
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hit the Warshot Loaded right on the Head!! But I do like the old time WWII diesel smell and battery powered torps too.. Otto fuel torps are just well not very dramatic displace all the water under the keel of the target and crack the ship in half! no fire! no big boom! just lots of splash.. All though "I love the smell of Radioactivity and Fosgene Gas in the morning" after 90 days at sea I would still smell like a Diesel Boat sailor when I get home to the wife!!!

ahhem Periscopes .. I dont buy that one .. ANAV and they are great for watching all the Hood Ornaments on the million dollar yatchs while navigating around the mediterranean (got to luv those thongs)

ADCAP = wire guided the only way to fly can you say SALVO?? which way Horizontal! Verticle! or both

Submarines once! Submarines Twice! Holy Jumping jesus christ! We go up! We go down! we dont even f**k around! OOOgggaaaa OOOggggaaa Dive! Dive! Dive!


What kind of subsim skipper are you?
Periscopes are for wimps. Let's face it, any snapperhead can bring a WWII subsim to periscope depth, lock onto the red triangle and plug away. Real men never get closer than 8000 yards to their target. Your subsim of choice is made by a company in Waterford, Conn. You thrive on complex Target-Motion Analysis equations, deciphering broadband contacts, and gauging ESM signal strength. You are paler than Siberian stripper and proud of it. You long for the day you can take your Seawolf class nuke into an online game against a whole fleet of Type VIICs. One ADACP equals "make my day".

Rknhorse (SS qualified) (SSN) (SSBN) (ANAV)

Ahead Flank Make your Depth **CLASSIFIED** feet smartly!!!

Last edited by rknhorse; 04-11-07 at 03:08 AM.
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