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Old 12-05-11, 09:52 AM   #2
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Default Event Engine

A new feature being implimented in CMANO, The Event Engine.

From D at Warefare Sims:

The EE allows tying together various events happening in the simulation with any number of arbitrary actions defined by the scenario author. So essentially you get the ability to manage the scenario cause-and-effect "flow" as well as create a believable theater-level AI process.

The linked triggers and actions can range from the perfectly reasonable ("Blue carrier is sunk -> Red gains 1000 points") to the somewhat contrived ("Somali pirates harass a US merchant ship -> The USN is authorized to perform nuclear SLBM strikes on pirate havens on the Somali coast") but that's entirely up to the scenario author.

You can also define conditions that must be met in order for a trigger to actually fire an event. So you can come up with pretty complex "if - while - then - else" logical paths, have cascading events, have the firing of an event render another event inactive and lots of other options. Think of triggers, conditions and actions as Lego pieces that you can bring together to model the logical process you have in mind.

If as a scen author or even simply player you've ever thought "Wouldn't it be very cool if event-X caused such and such stuff to happen....", then the EE is your dream come true.
Pretty neat stuff. Should make scenarios much less predictable and more engoyable to play.

Command Players do it with Frequency.
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