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Old 07-15-08, 06:15 PM   #15
Sea Lord
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I agree! It is funny though. The same folks who made 688i where the boat can pick stuff up at 80k yards, now have it in these newer games to where it is the other way around. I have to remind myself that it is only a game. For me though there is a fun factor and satisfaction in having an efficient crew. In SH4 I get that but I do not really like WW2 games as much as the modern platforms. I can understand folks enjoying the sonar stuff. But the game should be called "Sonar Operator" rather than "Sub Command". Our CO was not an ST and would only go into the sonar shack when we were trailing another sub. But one day a company will make a game that can really put into perspective what a CO really does. The games leave out a vital function for combat tactics and that is using trim angle. I had a couple of fish shot at me and in real life I should be able to produce 30 plus angles. Not here! If you have to get deep fast you are screwed. I can get to 1300 feet faster in an elevator than i can in these "SIMS". If I were filthy rich, I would make a game that would blow your mind and would be as realistic as possible without infringing on classified infomation. They have a good game in SC and DW. But we need dynamic mission like Ubisoft did in SH series, but put into modern day Sub warfare. It could be done and I think would be a hit.
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