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Old 07-21-23, 05:03 AM   #11971
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The Ukrainian summer offensive is not really getting off the ground. Kiev is therefore faced with unpleasant decisions. If there are no reports of victory, this will also be a stress test for NATO.
The fierce exchange of words reminds Ukraine that it is fighting the most difficult of all wars: the coalition war. Any alliance is only as strong as the weakest of its members; and the longer the war lasts, the more fragile the cement that holds it together becomes.
Western observers are almost lovingly preoccupied with Russia's weaknesses. These are obvious, both militarily and politically. Thus, there has recently been some puzzlement about Prigozhin's coup and Putin's position. But there is every indication that the regime will be able to continue the war for a long time. It is tempting to minimize Moscow's capabilities simply because people want Kiev to win.

Russia has a robust arms industry. Moreover, the war has had relatively little impact on people's daily lives unless they are serving on the front lines or have relatives there. Above all, the country is hardly dependent on foreign aid. What the Kremlin wants to happen, happens - as far as the Russian trinity of incompetence, slovenliness and corruption allows.
The Ukrainian leadership is probably facing a momentous decision. Either it puts all its eggs in one basket and throws its reserves, so far held back for the offensive, to the front in order to achieve a breakthrough. Or it will be economical with its resources in the war of attrition, thus casting the outcome of the offensive into complete doubt.

In the stalemate, the supply of cluster munitions is said to give the Ukrainians ultimate penetrating power. Previously, this was said about rocket launchers, howitzers and tanks. Anyone hoping for miracle weapons is regularly disappointed. This also applies to the delivery of American combat aircraft.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 07-21-23 at 05:12 AM.
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