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Old 05-11-17, 04:28 AM   #15
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Sorry, busy day working around the house...

Originally Posted by Reece View Post
The results are:

env WINEPREFIX="/home/Reece/.wine" /usr/bin/wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /unix /home/reece/.cxoffice/Far_Cry_2/drive_c/Program Files/Ubisoft/Far Cry 2/bin/farcry2.exe -GameProfile_SkipIntroMovies 1

env WINEPREFIX="/home/Reece/.wine" /usr/bin/wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /unix /home/reece/.cxoffice/Far_Cry_2/drive_c/Program\ Files/Ubisoft/Far\ Cry\ 2/bin/farcry2.exe -GameProfile_SkipIntroMovies 1
Both do nothing.

Terminal Prompt:
reece@LAPTOP-UBUNTU:~/.cxoffice/Far_Cry_2/drive_c/Program Files/Ubisoft/Far Cry 2/bin$
In here placed the below in Terminal (Far Cry 2 folder) as above.
wine farcry2.exe -GameProfile_SkipIntroMovies 1
Wine Message:
The Wine configuration in /home/reece/.wine is being updated, please wait.
Error Message:
The wine configuration could not find a mono package which is needed for .NET packages to work correctly.
OK! This is why the shortcuts are not working...

One of them possibly is (the last one I posted most likely), but since you don't have "mono" or "dotnet" installed, Far Cry 2 is failing to start. And without a terminal, you don't get to see the error messages.

Before I go into this too far, a few questions so I know "where your system is" in the process. These questions are not necessarily related to each other, nor are they "in order".

1: Did WINE ask you to install "mono" when you ran winecfg for the first time?

2: Did you install Mono in Wine?

3: What are the system requirements for Far Cry 2?

There are 3 Possible fixes for this, but they require 2 different approaches.

1: Install Mono in your existing Wine 'prefix' (.wine the directory is the prefix).
I'm still looking for how to do this in Ubuntu, since it appears to be per prefix, and it appears to not be installed.
The answer to the question appears to be the recommended way to install Mono...
If this works, and you can run Far Cry 2, then you can safely ignore the rest of this below...

2: Make a new Wine Prefix and have it install Mono in that prefix when it asks you.

3: Make a new 32bit Wine Prefix and install the required "dotnet" into that prefix.
This can get a bit confusing the first time around. But knowing the path to your home directory makes it easier for me to walk you through it.

NOTE: Due to the way WINE is coded, trying to install any version of Dotnet in a 64bit prefix (default on a 64bit version of Linux, most of the time) will not work.
So we can't just install dotnet into your existing .wine prefix and have it work...

Which is why I asked about the system requirements above.

Options 2 and 3 would require you to -most likely- re-install Far Cry 2. But you could just tell it to install to the same directory that it is already in.
I say most likely for the following reasons: on my pc Silent Hunter 3 is installed using the default ".wine", but I CAN run it using the 32bit ".wine32" prefix, where I have .dotnet2 and DirectX9 installed.
Other games/programs will not work this way. Some require that it be "installed" in the prefix that I try to run it with.

But to install dotnet2.0, etc... you will need to get "winetricks".

Winetricks is a "simple" script that "flips all the right switches" to "fake" success so that dotnet will install "correctly".

If you want to check it out, here is the wiki page on

But I'm hoping it won't be necessary!

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