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Old 10-09-17, 04:20 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by The Bandit View Post
The Mk 16 was never considered an ASW weapon, although it could be launched as deep as 200 ft, I don't think it could be set to run at a depth deeper than 80 ft. I mean I suppose you could probably use it if you found somebody particularly unlucky at PD/ snorkel depth but slim odds on that.

Anyways sorry for that long rambling explanation but as unorthodox as it seems, this is how the USN would have had to use the Mk 37 against the Soviets in the 60s, there was no other solution (other than the Mk 45 ASTOR) except maybe for running away and trying to call in air support on the radio (which would probably be just as dangerous for you as it would be for the Russian!)

Thanks for the reply, and a great, in depth reply is never a ramble.

My concern was pretty much what can we do about the Mk16, the WW2 era "dumb" torp that we have along with the Mk37 in the 1968 gameplay. I've used the Mk37 quite a bit now and pretty much have an idea what I need to do to make it work. Basically shooting at anything that can move over 22-24kts is a waste unless you're right on top of them and get your shot in quick and dirty, like if the target is facing you and would have to waste time and speed by turning away and running. Or as you mentioned by working up into their baffles at close range and firing from there. What I was wondering is was there ever anything done to make the Mk16 a more effective ASW/ASuW weapon, because as it is now without wire guidance or any control at all it is, as you had also mentioned....basically useless. The only way we can use it in game is play it like it was Silent Hunter. Forget subs completely unless they are on the surface. Without depth control it'll never connect. The only thing we can do is line it up from the periscope or on the surface and from maybe 1,000/1,500 yds do a straight in salvo shot. That may give you one, maybe two hits at most. If the torp is that useless in gameplay why did the game designers even bother to model it and put it in the game. I would probably guess because that's what the Navy had at that era in time, so we got it. OK, that's fine......only thing, it don't work!!!!

Forgive my rant. It's 0530 in the morning here and I still haven't slept, so Im gettin' a bit cranky. lol Thanks brothers.....

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