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Old 09-17-22, 09:32 AM   #5028
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
As for Fido, I was attacking a convoy just the other day while testing, and had shot 3 torps at the merchants. I turned the scope to look back at an escort I knew was close by, and noticed he was charging me with a bone in his teeth, so I sic'd a Fido on him, turned back to shoot a few more torps at the merchants and then went deep - NOT at flank, of course... lol - however, the DE kept coming, and Fido kept attempting to follow, even as the DE dropped his cans. I had turned and was out of their path, and roughly 110 foot deep. I went on to the attack map to see where Fido was in relation to the DE, and for whatever reason, it had turned at the charges area and was now tracking me... I couldn't remember if they could go any deeper (probably can't), so as to not take a chance, I cut the engines completely and glided on down deeper. Fido went practically directly over me, and did a slow turn, then found a merchant and got it... phwew! There were several tense moments on the boat, that is for certain. I know there is no way that the depth charges "confused" Fido, that'd be a stretch with this game, but the DE had gotten for enough ahead of Fido that it heard me better... then it heard the straggling merchant, thank goodness... lol
acoustic torpedo performance escapes me.
or rather i should say: SH4 programming of the acoustic torpedo escapes me.

i have fired one from the stern tubes at an approaching escort which is less than 1000 yds from us, and closing. little bugger passes once, circles around and "bang", nails her.

then, another time, with the escort bearing down on us but a bit more distant, we have fired an acoustic torpedo and it just sailed straight-on-by the escort, without so much as a by-your-leave.

there is absolutely no consistency.

now, having related these game experiences, it is immaterial that the Mk27 never made it into WWII combat.
there are only two things in the world: submarines and targets.
Fortis et stabilis et fidelis, semper

Silent Hunter 4 1.5 Gold Edition on CDROM
LAA enabled
Dell XPS with 32 GB Ram running Win10
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