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Old 12-21-05, 04:17 PM   #4
US Navy LT
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Old Man, thanks for the offer to host. The file is only 82K, so it should not be too much of a burden. Here is the Readme for those that may be interested:

..........Expanded DB Files for Pacific Aces..........

This modification (if you can call it that) expands the list of US submarines used
in Pacific Aces to include virtually every US boat which participated in the Pacific
War. The intent was to honor every US boat and crew which took part in patrols in
the Pacific during World War II. If a US submarine was used for training on the East
Coast or missions in the Caribbean or guarding the Panama Canal, they were left off
this list. As seen below, the final list almost quadrupled the number of submarines
available in PA.

From To Comments

S-Class 16 22 Added S-33, S-37, S-38, S-39, S43 and S-47
P-Class 5 16 * Added 5 P-Class Boats and 6 Earlier Class boats
Sargo Class 4 16 Added 5 Salmon Class boats and 7 Sargo Class boats
T-Class 12 12 No adds, commission/loss/decommission dates changed
Gato Class 15 72 Added 57 boats that participated in the Pacific War
Balao Class 11 112 Added 91 Balao & 10 Tench boats that participated

Total 63 250

(*)Includes 3 very unique super-sized boats, the Argonaut, Narwhal and Nautilus,
launched between 1927 and 1930, which saw considerable action in the Pacific War

A submarine had to carry out at least one War patrol in the Pacific against Japanese
forces in order to make the list. Guarding the Panama Canal, even when done on the
Pacific side, did not qualify the boat for inclusion on the list of active Pacific
War participants. While this is certainly open for debate, I felt I had to draw the
line somewhere.

For each of the submarines included, their actual commissioning date and actual loss
or decommissioning date was recorded in the DB files. This was done using one of two
sources: which provides a detailed
historical writeup on each US Military ship from begining of time till most recent
which provides a more condensed summary of each US Submarine. I used best judgement
when certain dates were in conflict.
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