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Old 12-01-08, 06:37 PM   #89
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Well that explains why I'm always throwing tracks. With the T34 I can't get more than 500 yards before the track comes off.

The first time it happened I was in the gunners position, the next thing I know I'm outside the tank and the side of the tank is in front of me rocking. I did an external look around and saw two crew members at the front of the tank making motions as if they're working with lug wrenches. When in this position in the first person view you can really see how detailed the tanks are on the inside because the side of the tank becomes transparent.

Another bug I think they've included is a weak hit event. As in nothing really happens to your view (like maybe shake a little) nor do you hear anything unusual when your tank is hit by higher caliber guns. All you get is a message that your getting hit. The rifle caliber ammunition is clear when it pings against the armor.
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