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Old 10-26-08, 04:35 PM   #28
Sea Lord
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I've taken a bit of a liking to the Yak 3.

When i got my new joystick up and running, I tried a 109F4 but I simply can't get the hang of it whenever I fly at a normal difficulty or higher. I tend to find myself in a flat spin more often than not.

I'm limited to single engines for now, I can't be bothered to bind keys for alternating engines because I'll simply forget them anyway.

Hawker Hurricanes are an enjoyable flight, and theres enough firepower in them to put a dent into other aircraft, but i again find a bit of a stall problem.

The Yak i've started flying in a new campaign, with the free french fighting on the eastern front. good for taking down the 109s if I can get on their tail, but against HE111s the lack of firepower hurts - only 1mg and 1 cannon.. its not much. At least I can handle him well!
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