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Old 10-19-08, 11:44 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Philipp_Thomsen
I'm sorry but I beg the differ!

I used to think Vista sucked, but since I installed Vista 64 Ultimate on my machine, it's impressing me everyday. Everything works, everygame works, nothing crashes, it's bloody fast, didn't get any error on windows or any software so far, didn't get any virus after 4 months of downloading the hell of internet crap, and I don't have any anti-virus. Vista just blocks any threat all by itself. Didn't have to install any drivers, Vista does it all alone. Once I plug something new, it goes in the internet and install the most recent driver without even asking me. I can't complain about anything.

Of course that I've only used the 64 bit version, so I can't speak for the 32 bit.
What did you do to screw up your XP? I leave mine running for a month or two at a time with no problems.

I'm still trying to figure out the reasoning for 64 bit Vista too. The only reason to go to 64 bit in XP is to get access to more memory for the system, but in Vista 32 bit, there is not a maximum memory limitation, only an artificial one where they will assign a maximum of 3.12GB per application to maintain compatibility. They fixed it you might say.

So now it is not even clear if one should move to 64 bit Vista since there are a ton of driver issues, and many freeware apps (such as those that make virtual host adapters or install software print drivers for example) will never be able to run on it due to Microsoft not allowing any un-tested driver on the system as a way to create more revenue and to make sure you don't circumvent their DRM. Nice huh? If it's not WHQL certified, no dice.

Last is speed. You take a 20% hit in performance, even worse in 64-bit by the way since it has to translate all your apps to 32 bit, just for using Vista. 64 bit apps - no speed diff either for the 2 that exist. oh neat!

And did I mention the DRM? Sneeze at your system and it will lock you out of it.

So what is it that you really got there? An overbloated XP is what you really have. XP does everything quicker with less overhead.

I guess you can say you have glass, but if you really like Aero, you can add that to XP too - people have ported it.

DirectX 10? I can't tell the difference in the pixel shaders. Can you? The only thing I saw is the reduced performance.

I downgraded my laptop from Vista Ultimate back to XP Pro (the only machine in the house that was running it - everything else is either Linux or XP Pro/MCE2005). Done with Vista. The only thing I could find that was useful on Vista is that it could format and add a master boot record to a USB flash drive. Since my USB key is bootable now, I no longer have a need for Vista. I get it free, and I don't even want it when its free.

I could go on, but you get the idea that I have not been impressed by anything Vista has to offer, let alone all the support i had to deal with on it for things not working right. You may never get into that, but lets just say its slightly broken under the hood in my opinion. I only deal with servers now anyway though, so good riddance.

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