Snorkel Update
Got a chance to do more testing on the snorkels. Here are my findings:
1944 through to February, 1945 (sub version period tested) the type VIIC and IXC have working snorkels available. IXB, IXC/40, and IXD2 do not (IID not tested).
On the VIIC the snorkels do allow submerged operation of diesels for both propulsion and battery charging at up to 12 metres depth (PD is at 13, so manual guage depth setting is needed). CO2 continues to build though.
On IXC, snorkel operates all the way down to PD.
On another note, the new VIIC control room does create a notable frame rate decrease, but it is not bad at all on my machine, especially when you consider the detail and emersion benefits. Great work!