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Old 05-08-08, 05:00 AM   #7
Ace of the Deep
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Default Patch for Harpoon ANW 3.9.0

After 3.7.0 release: 80 Issues reported
After 3.8.0 Patch: (80 Issues - 34 Fixed + 88 New) = 134 Issues
After 3.9.0 Patch: (134 Issues - 31 fixed + 68 New) = 171 Issues
After 3.9.2 Patch: (171 Issues - 13 fixed + 29 New) = 187 Issues

A comprehensive third-party list of 171 * Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues has been exhaustively collected on HarPlonkHQ since the release of Harpoon ANW 3.7.0 Now that the 3.9.2 patch has been released, the list has been checked to see what has changed. While it is by no means definitive, it is believed that:

These 13 behaviours appear to have been resolved by the 3.9.2 patch:
  1. Bomb will not release

    Bomb will not release in 3.9.0, but releases just fine in 3.8.0
  2. Crash after re-building with SE

    Crash after re-building with SE.
  3. Crash after re-building with SE II

    Crash after re-building with SE. Clock will not start.
  4. Crash after re-building with SE III

    Crash after re-building with SE. Clock will not advance.
  5. Entire bombload not dropped

    Bomber will attack target with only one bomb and refuse to drop the remainder of the payload.
  6. Land facility reports abandoning ship

    Damage report states that crew is abandoning ship on a land facility.
  7. TALD cannot be engaged

    TALD will not be engaged as they fly across target.
  8. Sonobuoy battery endurance

    Battery endurance for sonobuoys is irrelevant.
  9. Crash during UnRep

    Game will crash/freeze up with infinite loop if replenishment ship moves during attempted UnRep rendezvous.
  10. Group and Unit speed incongruent

    Group and Unit speed are incongruent for the same unit.
  11. TALD cannot be ignored

    TALD cannot be ignored as they fly towards player units.
  12. Total loss of unit control

    Player loses control of all units in the middle of a game.
  13. Fly off the world CTD

    It is possible to 'fly off of the world' and cause CTD.

These 158 behaviours do not appear to have been resolved by the 3.9.2 patch:
  1. AAA fire

    AAA guns are not limited by the altitude of the target and can even shoot down satellites.
  2. Automatic contact classification

    The true type classification of a contact is automatically revealed when it is designated hostile by the hotkey.
  3. Group Nav Zone Settings

    The Nav Zone settings for a Group are not adopted by the individual units forming that Group. i.e. If you order a TF to avoid Ship Threat Zone [A], the Group icon will avoid the Threat Zone but the individual ships of the Group will sail into the Threat Zone.

    Work-around solution: Set the Nav Zone parameters for each unit individually.
  4. Identification failure

    Sometimes, when you hit the Database button for a unit, only one possible identity is shown but the unit display will still describe it as Unknown.
  5. Subs in groups

    Subs joined with groups are automatically assigned a formation patrol zone on the ASW axis that cannot be changed or modified.
  6. Hangar overload

    It is possible to land many more aircraft than the hangar capacity allows.
  7. AI inside Minimum Launch Range

    If an AI unit finds itself inside the Minimum Launch Range of its weapons, it is unable to move away in order to fire its weapons.
  8. MAD contact for ground facilities

    The MAD detector is able to detect ground facilities.
  9. ARMs cause planes to hang

    Aircraft armed with Anti-Radiation Missiles and bombs will continue to hang over a target once the bombs are released if they have not fired their ARMs. This will occur even if ARMs cannot be fired at the target in question.
  10. Opening 3.6.3 scen causes crash

    Opening this scenario in ANW causes Crash. Scenario opens and runs fine in H3.6.3
  11. Ready times go wild when AI Formation Air Patrols activated

    Ready times go wild when AI Formation Air Patrols activated. This does not appear when the AI option is not enabled.
  12. All ammo not available

    300 rounds of ammo are shown, but only 44 are offered for fire allocation.
  13. Plane ignores Nav Zone

    Plane totally ignores Nav Zone
  14. Mission ignores target list

    Targets not restricted to target list for mission.
  15. Weapon ignores range limitation

    Weapon sometimes ignores range limitation and fires on targets outside of the range set by the Database. This can sometimes result in guns hitting targets 100s of miles away. Often, it occurs when the target is vaguely detected.
  16. Hidden units can be destroyed without detection

    When hidden units are part of a group, attacks on the Group Icon can destroy the hidden units without the need to ever detect them.
  17. Units out of range can be destroyed

    Units out of range can be destroyed if they are part of a group.
  18. Nukes won't work without AALog activated

    Nuclear weapons for BCGN Kirov do not work unless AALog is activated.
  19. Sonobuoy deployment altitude

    Sonobuoys can be deployed at any altitude.
  20. Sonobuoy dataurl cannot be turned off

    Although the manual says that sonobuoys can be dropped / discarded by turning off the Comm Dataurl to them, this is not true under any realism setting.
  21. Torpedoes ignore cruise depth

    Torpedoes ignore cruise depth set by the database even when the "Level Cruise Flight" flag has been set and a value has been entered in the "Cruise Altitude" field. They stay at the depth at which they were fired.
  22. Ground units attacked by Ship Strike mission

    Units assigned to Ship Strike missions will attack ground facilities.
  23. Ships attacked by Ground Strike mission

    Units assigned to Ground Strike missions will attack ships.
  24. Active sonobuoys dropped passively

    Sonobuoys with active-only sonar systems are dropped in passive mode even when the "Drop Active Sonobuoy" hotkey is depressed.
  25. Active sonobuoys do not deploy

    CASS Active Sonar Sonobuoys carried by S-2 Trackers do not deploy when the "Drop Active Sonobuoy (])" hotkey is depressed. However, they do deploy with "Drop Passive Sonobuoy ([)". "," and "." hotkeys seem to work properly.
  26. Max launch speed restriction

    When a unit is travelling faster than the Maximum Allowable Launch Speed of the weapons it is carrying and tries to fire them, the weapon allocation table appears and the player is mistakenly given the choice of firing the weapon. The window no longer displays a warning message and restricts player from attempts to fire.
  27. Hellfire do not launch in ODb

    Hellfire missiles will not launch even though they appear in the weapons allocation window.
  28. CTD when Database button is depressed

    When playing Multi-player games, scenarios will sometimes crash to the desktop when the Database button has been depressed.

    [Edit] With the Patch 3.9.0 release, this issue no longer results in CTD. However, it is still erroneous.
  29. Mission fails to navigate without Full throttle setting

    Aircraft without a "Full speed" throttle setting in the database are fully functional under manual control, but are unable to calculate a path to their targets under AI control.
  30. Planes directly inserted ignore target list

    Planes directly inserted ignore targets listed in strike missions. However, planes that launch on those same strike missions will obey the target strike list and not attack any target not on the list.
  31. All strikers fail to launch

    All aircraft assigned to a strike mission fail to launch.
  32. Player loses control

    Player loses control of all units in the middle of a game.
  33. Protect ViCond doesn't evaluate properly

    Protect ship Victory Condition does not evaluate properly.
  34. Game ends abruptly

    When playing Multi-player games, scenarios will end at incorrect times. One side gets a message that it has not fulfilled the ViConds and has lost. He is then kicked from the game even though there is plenty of time remaining. This occurs more often during "high" time compression rate (1:60+).
  35. Altitude mis-match between Group and units

    Units and Group icons show different altitude values in SE.
  36. ASW/WH torps tracking wrong targets

    WH/ASW torps tracking targets they cannot hit.
  37. Ferry mission fails to launch

    Ferry mission fails to launch unless manually ordered to do so.
  38. Min engine altitude ignored

    Min engine altitude ignored for Trident SLBM. Missile can be launched from a depth deeper that allowed by the engine parameters.
  39. SSM Altitude crash

    Land-based SSMs appear to crash into the surface after launch and ignore their cruise altitude.
  40. TALD materialize at wrong point

    When firing lots of missiles i.e. TALD, the missiles all originate from the same point even when the plane moves away.
  41. Time compression causes miss

    Higher time compression creates automatic miss.
  42. Weapon Max Launch Speed ignored

    Weapons ignore Maximum Launch Speed set in database.
  43. Passive sonobuoys will not deploy

    Passive sonobuoys will not deploy with "[" hotkey. Active sonobuoys will deploy.
  44. Phantom air group

    Phantom air group.
  45. Re-Charge at Int depth

    Subs are reported to be re-charging batteries at Intermediate depth, but it is not known if charge levels actually increase.
  46. Ammo dumps emptied

    Ammo dumps in all ODb scenarios have been emptied of weapons for aircraft.
  47. Ground targets re-engaged prematurely

    Targets are being re-engaged prematurely. Missiles are still in flight when successive attacks are launched thus wasting weapons.
  48. Map Scale inaccurate

    Map scale is erroneous.
  49. Max altitude for planes is 32,767m

    The Max altitude for planes is now 32,767m. Previously, it was unlimited and could simulate satellite platforms.
  50. MP Saved game titles

    MP Saved game titles often use portions of the orders in lieu of the Session name.
  51. SSK rises early

    Diesel subs rise to Periscope depth long before their batteries are exhausted.
  52. Unassign command sound missing

    Use of the Unassign Hotkey command on groups will elicit an audible "ping". However, this audible cue is missing when the same command is issued to individual units.
  53. CTD ViCond crash when windows closed out of order

    When setting ViCond, the ScenEditor can crash when windows are closed out of sequence from which they were opened.
  54. AAW patrol motionless

    AAW patrol motionless instead of flying between assigned reference points.
  55. Accuracy slider changes combat II

    Accuracy slider changes combat calculation. Air strike resolves differently when slider set on Low/Fast or High/Slow Accuracy setting.
  56. Air Group formation

    Air Groups do not form properly when the launching platform is destroyed before the group is fully launched.
  57. CTD with Re-build Scenario function

    Crash to the desktop when Scenario Rebuild - Re-build All Units is selected with AxisEvil.scn.
  58. Dead top after torp evasion

    Escort comes to a dead stop after torpedo evasion.
  59. Destroyed planes not counted on Installations

    Planes added to Installations are not counted in Victory Conditions when they are destroyed on the ground.
  60. Dual speeds selected

    When ships are damaged, sometimes dual speeds are show in the throttle setting.
  61. Engagement symbol missing

    Overscore symbol over aircraft fails to appear when engaged by AAA unless one of the aircraft are shot down.
  62. F6 Key will not attack

    F6 Key will not attack target.
  63. Generic strikes seek additional targets

    Generic strikes seek additional targets after initial target is destroyed even if secondary targets have no relation to original target.
  64. Haphazard weapons re-loading

    Weapons do not reload with weapon previously fired.
  65. Inconsistent RoF

    Guns have different rates of fire between H3.6.3. and ANW.
  66. Indexation status false

    ANW Launcher claim that "most community-databases do not support" indexation by Time and Country is false.
  67. Missiles drawn to wrong targets

    Missiles fired at targets located with pinpoint precision are still drawn to other targets.
  68. Nav Zones re-set by mission editor

    Nav Zones are re-set by mission editor every time a mission is edited.
  69. Phantom mounts shown on aircraft

    Phantom mounts are shown on aircraft when the Logistics button is pushed.
  70. Planes jammed against Nav Zone

    Planes are unable to plot path around Nav Zone.
  71. Propulsion ranges import improperly

    Propulsion ranges do not import to the Reimer Editor properly. Ranges with a speed of Zero will not import even when those ranges are required for proper platform behaviour in units such as mines and false contacts.
  72. Ready display always visible

    Aircraft ready display shows all planes available at a base regardless of the Base's ability to launch them. Previously, when a base was damaged, those aircraft not able to launch (i.e. Large/VLarge planes) no longer showed up in the Ready menu until the runway was repaired.
  73. Ready Times shortened

    Aircraft with long ready times can have them shortened to the default 30 minutes.
  74. Re-build All causes planes to loiter

    Planes that normally flew at cruise speed go to loiter when Re-Built All command is used.
  75. Sanity check fails for multiple weapons records

    Sanity check reports an error when a Quantity value >1 is entered beside a Weapons Record in either the Loadout tabel or the Magazine table even though this causes no problem for the game, itself.
  76. Sanity check fails for propulsion alt bands

    Sanity check reports an error if altitude bands for propulsion entries are not in sequential order.
  77. Sanity check fails for propulsion max alt

    Sanity check fails to report an error if the max altitude for the propulsion system is greater than the allowable altitude for aircraft. Maximum altitude for aircraft is 32,767m but maximum engine operational altitude value can be set higher.
  78. Sanity check fails for Ready Times

    Sanity check fails to account for different Ready Times in loadout table. Loadouts that have identical weapons with only differ in Ready Times are identified as 'duplicate' entries by the Sanity Check.
  79. Scen locks up at 15 secs into game

    Scenario freezes 15 seconds after start of game.
  80. Sensor default values are zero

    When Sensor menu [F9] is activated for individual units or groups, all default values are Zero. Previously, the default values were 1 min Active followed by 5 minutes Passive for all types of sensors. Proper default values of 1min/5min appear if a group of separate units are "drag-selected" and then the F9 hotkey is depressed.
  81. Sonar detects facility

    Land facility detected by sonar.
  82. SSMs ignore delayed strike mission

    Land-based SSMs ignore delay time for Strike missions.
  83. Strike Mission fails to cancel

    Ground Strike Mission fails to cancel after target is destroyed.
  84. Strikes fail to launch

    Air strikes that performed properly in ANW 3.7.0 now fail to launch at all.
  85. Submarine evades own torpedoes

    Submarine evades her own wake-homing torpedoes after firing. This does not occur with wire-guided torpedoes.
  86. Subs fire SS-N-15 onto the ice

    Submarines are able to fire SS-N-15 Starfish while under polar ice.
  87. Subs surfacing under ice

    Submarines are able to rise to the surface from under the ice pack and run on the surface.
  88. Subsequent strikes are disorganized

    Subsequent strikes are disorganized and launch in separate groups.
  89. Support missions do not fully launch

    Not all aircraft assigned to support missions launch as they previously did in H3.6.3.
  90. Torps chase improper targets

    Torpedoes chase the improper targets once they reach their activation point even though all potential targets are identical.
  91. Unarmed units not engaged

    Unarmed units will not be engaged by AI units (sub or ship) on Plotted mission. This is due to the fact that the targets pose no 'threat' to the AI unit thus elicits no response. Once weapons are added to the targets, they are immediately attacked.
  92. Unassigned SSMs do not fire

    Unassigned land-based SSMs will fire on ships, but not against land targets.
  93. Tubes re-load different weapons

    After firing, torpedo tubes re-load with different weapons than those just fired even when replacement weapons are available.
  94. Range rings appears when none should

    Radar range rings displayed for air group when radar is passive.
  95. Range rings missing

    Range rings missing for air groups.
  96. Unable to set Weapons Tight in SE

    Scenario designer is unable to set Weapons Tight in ScenEditor.
  97. Submarine control lost

    Submarine control lost when sole ship is sunk.
  98. Cannot rescind re-fuel order

    It is not possible to rescind air-to-air re-fueling order once it is issued.
  99. Torps inoperative in shallow water

    Mk46 ASW torpedoes are inoperative in shallow water and will not release when water depth is -10m.
  100. Unable to fire SSM

    Unable to fire SSM Sizzler from any depth or range. Weapons will fire from DDG Sovremennyy.
  101. Unable to intercept target

    Unable to intercept target for either unit. Weapons will fire if units are manually placed within range of target.
  102. AGM-130A will not fire

    AGM-130A will not fire under AI control.
  103. Distorted maps created

    Distorted maps are created when F10 is used to draw a new map.
  104. Fighters hanging on refPt

    Fighters will launch and hang on one Ref point.
  105. Firing sonobuoys at subs

    Sonobuoys can be fired at subs through the weapons allocation window.
  106. Full speed over 140kts

    Ship group shows full speed of 15+131kts.
  107. Full speed wrong

    Group only allows full speed of 15kts, but all units within the group are fully capable of faster speed.
  108. AGM-62 will not fire

    AGM-62 will not fire under AI control.
  109. Icons appear off map

    Icons for uncertainty zones appear off of the map and cannot be seen nor selected.
  110. Torpedo decoy fired at radar

    Torpedo decoy is an eligible weapon for firing at radar.
  111. UnRep do not return to PZs

    After conducting UnRep operation, participants do not return to original patrol zones within the formation.
  112. Wrong loadout descriptions

    Helix helos are show the wrong loadout descriptions. Display is Mk44 torp, but they revert to Minimal when launched.
  113. False contacts at -17000m

    False contacts at -17000m.
  114. CTD when altitude changed

    CTD when altitude changed
  115. AI subs will not stop re-charging

    Sub never stops re-charging.
  116. Sonobuoys non-functional

    Sonobuoys deployed by Bear F non-functional.
  117. Afterburner unavailable at low alt

    Afterburner speed unavailable at low alt in MP for Rafale. No problem in Solitaire.
  118. Aircraft below sea level

    Aircraft below sea level.
  119. Cannot meet for UnRep

    Ships are unable to plot a path for UnRep when ordered to do so.
  120. Change in threat axis ignored

    Change in threat axis ignored in MP.
  121. Crash after nuclear detonation

    Crash after nuclear warhead detonates.
  122. Crash during re-build process

    ScenEditor freezes up and does not complete function when ordered to re-build scenario.
  123. Crash during re-build process II

    ScenEditor is unable to complete function when ordered to re-build scenario and seems to be in endless loop.
  124. CTD incomplete

    CTD does not drop game all the way down to the desktop. Instead, the Shell window remains and must be closed manually.
  125. Crash on re-load

    Crash while attempting to re-load same scenario file previously opened.
  126. CTD changing map size

    CTD occurs while changing size of tactical map.
  127. CTD during UnRep

    CTD occurs while selecting ordnance to be transferred with "Enter Number of Weapons" command.
  128. CTD on re-load

    CTD while attempting to re-load same scenario file previously opened.
  129. CTD running new scen in SE

    CTD occurs when new scenarios are written and immediately run in SE.
  130. CTD while drawing new map

    CTD while drawing new map
  131. Damage changes aircraft ready time instead of destroying them

    Damage changes aircraft ready time instead of destroying them. Planes are given a ready time of 0:00 but they never become ready unless player uses F6 to change them to Ready status.
  132. Delayed On-Station ViCond Faulty

    Delayed On-Station ViCond does not wait for delay time to expire before evaluating.
  133. Destroyed submarines not always evaluated in ViConds

    Destroyed submarines do not always evaluate properly in ViConds.
  134. Ferry mission to SSN

    It is possible to create a Ferry mission with the destination as an airplane or SSN.
  135. Focused strike not firing

    Artillery does not fire on a Focused Land Strike mission even when Weapons Free.
  136. Formation patrols ignore axis

    Formation patrols ignore axis when assigned patrol zones in the Formation editor. Most often, the patrols appear offset from the actual Threat Axis. i.e. if the Threat Zone is pointing North and a Patrol zone is assigned to it, the ship may take up a patrol zone 90 degrees off the intended placement. This occurs primarily in multi-player games, but has been reported in SP (by Shemar), too.
  137. Group speed differs from plane speed

    Air groups have different speed from individual plane speed in MP.
  138. Incorrect number to be readied

    When aircraft are ordered to change loadout for Minimal mission, an incorrect number of planes is recommended in the message window.
  139. NAV improperly drawn

    NAV zone shows double-sided left wall and inability to modify other points of the zone.
  140. On-Station ViCond non-functional

    On-Station ViCond non-functional in GE but functional in SE.
  141. Over-filled magazines

    Over-filled magazines not detected and fixed.
  142. Plane does not re-arm upon landing

    Plane does not re-arm upon landing.
  143. Planes on Transit missions

    Planes can be assigned to Transit missions.
  144. Planes refuse to launch

    Planes requiring Small/Med runway refuse to launch from a base equipped with Medium runways. (From Petterr)
  145. Protect ViCond failure

    Protect ViCond fails to trigger even when no enemy is present to inflict damage on player.
  146. Runways cannot be destroyed by nukes

    Runways can be reduced, but not be destroyed by nuclear weapons.
  147. SAMs locate new targets in mid-flight

    SAMs locate new targets in mid-flight after original targets destroyed.
  148. Subs activate sonar on ship strike mission

    Subs activate sonar on ship strike mission. Previously, subs only activated radar on ship strike mission.
  149. Unable to bomb sub on surface

    Planes are unable to bomb or strafe submarines even though they are on the surface and acting like ships.
  150. Ships are unable to navigate around ice

    Ships are unable to navigate around ice.
  151. Unidentified targets auto-engaged

    Unidentified and unknown targets are auto-engaged without being properly classified as hostile.
  152. UnRep can overload magazines

    UnRep can overload magazines by placing more weapons in the magazine that capacity allows.
  153. UnRep done concurrently

    UnRep process is conducted concurrently and not consecutively. If all items take 1 second to transfer, 1000 items can be transferred in a single second if they are all different items.
  154. UnRep for 2 ships only

    Only 2 ships can conduct UnRep at the same time even though the ship has ability to replenish 2 ships to port and 2 ships to starboard.
  155. UnRep magazine shows zero

    After UnRep procedure, magazine count shows zero weapons if a second UnRep operation is ordered.
  156. UnRep Teleportation

    UnRep process is possible while physically separated by several miles.
  157. Wrong cruise altitude

    TLAM shows cruise altitude of 20m and Intermediate depth.
  158. UGM-109 cannot be launched

    All UGM-109 Tomahawk TLAM in OriginalDB cannot be launched since none of the weapons has an engine / propulsion unit.

These 29 behaviours appear to have been added by the 3.9.2 patch:
  1. Type 65-76 disappear on BOL

    Type 65-76 torpedoes disappear after reaching activation point even though they have copious fuel remaining.
  2. Helo Intercepts sub at Med Alt

    Helo Intercepts sub at Med Alt when F6 command given.
  3. Unable to Pause game in MP

    Unable to Pause game in MP. Game starts immediately and cannot stop. Also causes problems with ghost sessions on some servers.
  4. Ghost sessions in MP

    Ghost sessions in MP continue to run after all players have left the session. This ties up processing power as the sessions do not usually expire on their own.
  5. MP Unpause malfunction

    After pause button has been depressed in MP, the game does not respond when user hits F12 to continue unless player uses [+] [-] keys to change the compression selection, first.
  6. False Weapons Free status

    Tutorial 6 starts with Weapons Free status already enabled, but aircraft do not recognize it. [Originally reported by Eugene Smith]
  7. Helos violate NAV zone

    Helos violate NAV zone.
  8. Incorrect re-load count

    Planes have high number of re-loads assigned, but there are insufficient AAMs to justify this number.(Originally reported by Bart Gauvin)
  9. Sonobuoy endurance display error

    Sonobuoy endurance display only shows "0 Fuel" and "00:00:00" under unit display.
  10. Missiles not releasing

    Missiles not releasing even though they are assigned in Weapons allocation window [Originally reported by KlubMarcus].
  11. In-game Editor cannot open 3.9.0 files

    In-game Editor cannot open 3.9.0 files.
  12. Different depth at same location

    Two maps of the same area show different depth at same location.
  13. Subs go over land

    Subs go over island instead around it.
  14. Sub goes active on ASuW

    Sub goes active on ASuW area patrol mission even though mission setting is for EmCon.
  15. Plotted path gets stuck

    Ship gets stuck on land even though a path was plotted successfully.
  16. Fuel does not drop to zero

    Fuel drops steadily, but does not drop all the way to zero.
  17. CTD when hitting Report button

    CTD when unit Skunk 2435 selected and then Report button depressed.
  18. Planes cannot re-load

    Planes show zero re-loads available when AirOps [F6] button depressed. However, re-loads are available when AirOps is selected for individual hangars and runway.
  19. CTD on Ferry mission failure

    CTD when Ferry mission tries to launch to a facility already destroyed
  20. HAWKs fire into ground

    HAWKs fire directly into the ground
  21. Allied sides share unit control

    Players can change unit paths for sides allied via Friendly posture setting.
  22. Torpedo knows target depth

    Torpedo becomes de facto depth finder
  23. Torpedo dives past max depth

    Target at -1200m cannot be engaged directly, but torpedoes fired on BOL will still dive below the maximum depth of their propulsion system (-500m) to kill target
  24. Torpedo dives 1000M instantly

    Torpedoes will instantly dive 1200m to hit target
  25. Plane destroyed upon launch

    Plane destroyed upon launch and never appears on map.
  26. Fly off the world CTD II

    It is possible to 'fly off of the world' and cause CTD.
  27. Unable to plot path around NAV zone

    Merchant side is unable to execute Transit mission around NAV zones even though a partial path is plotted.
  28. Bomb will not release II

    Bomb will not release in 3.9.2 even though weapon is capable vs. runways, but releases just fine in 3.8.0
  29. Romeo Mod has no fuel

    Romeo Mod has no fuel. (Originally reported by CDunlap)

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