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Old 04-28-08, 02:52 PM   #353
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So ive been working on some updates.

General list:

Hydrophone upgrades:
A picture says it best:

I dont claim the numbers are tits on historically accurate, but its in the ballpark. Hydrophone upgrades are:

WCA, range = 10K
JP, range = 15K
JT, range = 21K

WCA sonar will detect surface contacts. This much is historically correct. Much to my amazement the game acutally DOES use two sonars. I dont know how, but it knows to switch to the better hydrophone while submerged, and seems to use the WCA only while surfaced. So you'll be able to detect surface sound contacts up to a range of about 9K. Since yoour watch crew can see 15K, i dont see this being overpowered, but VERY handy for fog conditions;

EDIT: Note for clarification: You start with just the WCA sonar, and retain it throughout the war which is used in tandom with sonar upgrades. JP sonar becomes available in 6/43 and JT in 1/45.

Enviormental upgrades:
Ive taken the time to get Player and AI visual sensors to work as correctly as possible with W_Clears enviormental work. Ive made a few small, minor adjustments to fog, however, the really cool fog effects ARE there, and im sure the eyecandy maniacs will be happy.

Fixed Tench torpedo loadout:
I hope this is correct

I am seriously considering dumping the torpedo graphics i did. They look very amateurish (umm.. cause im an amateur graphics guy at best )

Submarine crew configurations:
A picture says it best:

It will work correctly at all screen resolutions.

Interior nodes:
Added a couple character nodes to the conning tower of interiors. One is the firing key operator, another is a secondary sonarman. Both are active only during battle stations. Ive alsy set lighting conditions back to stock.

Picture of CT during battle stations with no PPF:

Pictuere of CT during battle stations with PPF, and glare enabled:

Engine exhaust:
Ive adjusted it again, by removing the global wind controller from the exhaust nodes. Now they should function correctly, without the particle effects being blown inside the sub where it cannot be seen.

Theres some more i wanted to do, but after doing all of the above, burnout is setting in, and im getting tired of looking at things, so i might release what i have soon, and worry about the rest for later.

Unfortunatly do to the extensive changes in crew configurations, you'll have to start a new career to gain the effects of these changes. OR, if your offered a new boat, take it, and it will come with these changes enabled.

No ETA on release.
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