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Old 03-21-08, 06:26 AM   #73
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by NiclDoe
Originally Posted by Dowly
Right. Continuing the "I F**KING HATE IL2".

Here's a quick summary what happened to me in Ardennes, flying a P51. I attacked an formation of 3 BF109G6's who were flying at ~2000m. I was at 4500m when I started my dive, going at 430km/h. The time I started shooting, I was going at 690km/h and immediatly as I passed the formation, I climbed to 4200m. Next, I lost sight of the 2 remaining 109s just to realise they were both on my tail. Now, that was maybe 2½ minutes after my attack, could some kind soul explain how they managed to climb from 2000m to ~4500m and still have the E left to get on my tail? Remember, I had been flying level for abit over a minute and had my speed back to 400+km/h.

Ok, the next thing is even better. On the next mission, I was outclimbed by a pair of 109s who had been flying straight and level before they spotted me and I had just dived and had tons of E left to climb fast. It's my understanding that only the 190 'Dora' could get even with P51 on a climbing contest, not a fricking 109G6. This happened throughout the mission, even with both plane climbing side by side, stalling at the same time and leveling out at the same time, still, the 109 outclimbed to safety.
:rotfl: :rotfl: Now my part since thats funny. How bout you get a Me 163 or 262 and shoot the middle back of a B17, B24, or B29 and watch the plane shake very weird and never stalls and fall.
I've seen some weird behaviour from bombers before. More than once I've seen a bomber roll from left to right continuosly, very fast.
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