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Old 01-17-08, 05:55 AM   #28
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Default 3th Patrol 16/01/1943


Dowly: New to the eastern front Xabba?
Xabbarus: No, seen some action in the north east
Kratos: Nothing much up there is it?
Xabbarus: Not really, what about here?
Dowly: Almost a Daily double shift.
Xabbarus: Sounds better.
HunterICX: Wait till you meet the fat chief Goering
Xabbarus: great.....
Dowly: yeah, just ignore him and you'll be fine and keep your aircraft in 1 piece.
Kratos: Ow yep, keep it as you get it...or else you must take a umbrella to his office to cover yourself from his spit.

Officer: Gentlemen, your new orders
Dowly: it better be good!

HunterICX/Dowly/Xabbarus/Kratos at the runway -

Xabbarus: So whats the order?
HunterICX: the usual , goering whants us to babysit JABO's from the I/KG1
Dowly: Yuch...again?
Kratos: Yeah yeah Dowly, Again.
Dowly: but I want to shoot down enemy fighters!
HunterICX: I rather be in bed right now...darn cold it is here.

Radio chatter -

Xabbarus: All clear here.
HunterICX: same is up here.
Kratos: I have a Top gunner ontop of me, knock it off dowly
Dowly: but I'm bored....
Kratos: and I want to keep my aircraft in the air!
Xabbarus: watch out we have flak.
Dowly: if this you call flak, then goering is quiete a male super model.
(Ground Control)Goering: I HEARD ZTHAT!
Kratos: Ow why is it me again, got hit by flak!
Kratos: Ow boy, its a good hit, my engine is acting up
Xabbarus: Return to base Kratos.
Kratos: I doubt the aircraft will make it as I have a fuel leak too
HunterICX: its always you that has the bad luck isnt it?
Kratos: Seems so.

Kratos landing -

Kratos: Lucky me, I see the airfield
<dying engine sound>
Kratos: Whoops, Out of fuel
HunterICX: Good luck!
Kratos: Goering is going to hate me for this

HunterICX/Xabbarus/Dowly engaging enemy fighters-

Dowly: Fighters 11 O'clock
Xabbarus: roger , attacking the enemy now
HunterICX: Roger, engaging the bandits
Dowly: Whooohoo finally some action!
Xabbarus: P40's seems the americans are helping the russians.
HunterICX: I dont like the 50cals on those things
Dowly: you dont like anything that shoots at you.

HunterICX: Nice shot dowly
HunterICX: get him Xabbarus!

Dowly: Nice one mate
Xabba: Watch out mate, incomming bandits.
Dowly: Yeh, see them
HunterICX: come on honey, be nice and stay in my gunsight, I just wanna kiss your tail
Dowly: Oh...oh...Hunter is in his mood again.
HunterICX: yeah, like let me softly kiss your aircraft

HunterICX: got one!
Xabbarus: Watch out Hunter 5 O'clock high diving on you!
HunterICX: Where? <bullet whissling> <bullet impacts>
Dowly: Hunter?
HunterICX: Ouch, got holes in my right wing! windshield is full of Oil! I'm outta here!
HunterICX: Dang, they are really mad at me , they are going to finish me!
Dowly: go faster!
HunterICX: cant!
HunterICX: Owowowowowow....lost...wing..wowowow rolling around, getting sick!
Dowly: Hunter!
Xabbarus: He's gone...
HunterICX: Not quiet! but call a doctor, I can't feel my balls anymore!!!
Dowly: will do.

Xabbarus: Aaarg...out of ammo returning to base
Dowly: good luck, I still have some left
Xabbarus: ok, will see you back to base.
Dowly: ok...<Machine gun rattling>

Dowly: Wow! the aircraft just blew to bits!

Dowly: and now for my 3th kill!

Dowly: and thats the last one, going back now
<Bullet impacts>
Xabbarus: Whats going on mate?
Dowly: got peppered by a sneaky git on my six!
Xabbarus: get the hell out of there, or your fate is the same of that of Hunters
Dowly: Hell no! I aint going to crush my balls today!

Xabbarus landing -

Kratos walks towards Xabbarus plane -

Kratos: where are the others clowns?
Xabbarus: One is crashed and is looking for his balls
Kratos: Must be Hunter
Xabbarus: yep, Dowly is racing back to base
Dowly: wing is messed, leaning to to right too much
Kratos: your aircraft was never balanced , ferret
Dowly: your aircraft hasnt seen a 2nd daylight kratos.
Kratos: yes it does, only its smoking a bit now...good if you want to warm up your hands
Dowly: Seeying it from here
Xabbarus: I better park my aircraft over there..out of the way
Dowly: Oww...<swearing in finnish>
Kratos: yadda yadda yadda Dowly...get your arse down here.

Kratos: I didnt knew he could count...
Xabbarus: keep it down kratos, hehehe
Dowly: pfew..made it!

4 hours later -

Dowly: Ah..there is HunterICX
HunterICX: Hi I see you are all ok!
Kratos: you too I see
HunterICX: My usual self I guess
Dowly: yep
Xabbarus: Whats in that bag?
HunterICX: My balls! now I go to the doctor to re-attach them.
Xabbarus: he..wasnt..joking..was he?
Dowly: About his balls? Nah, he doesnt joke about those.
Xabbarus: I think I need a drink and a cigarette
Dowly: yeah, me too
Goering: Whas about thiz mess?
Kratos passes broom to Goering -
Kratos: here you go.

End of patrol 3

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