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Old 11-14-07, 03:22 PM   #1
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Iron Coffins MAJOR update

Still working on it full throttle. Just finished the Bismarck model.

And as an update, here is the new way I plan on having it played.

Of course it starts out in Sept 1939, and there will be 2 types of play:

A) Single Player Campaign
B) Online Campaign

Then the player chooses one of the following classes to play:

A) Germany
B) Great Britain

Then from there the player chooses what kind of vessel they would like to command:

A) Submarine
B) Battleship (good for either side)
(In my thoughts as of now) C) Aircraft

Then it asks you to input your name and you can play.

The two different types of play, Single Player Campaign and Online Campaign are pretty self explanatory.

Online Mode
All the sites created for SH2/3/4 that role play and create new campaigns for their sites is a lot like what this is going to be like. Each month will represent a month of the war, and the players will have to register their captain and is given a boat and mission for the month. Catch is, instead of them using screen cap to give the administrators their results, it will automatically update to the website. This will give it a more hands-free approach to just being able to play, and the missions will automatically download and install every month.

Now it's not ONLINE per say, you can't run into a friend or anything, but whatever you choose, whatever country, or vessel you choose it will all be the same. Your goal is to sink as many ships as you can. I'm going have to think of something for the aircraft if I do choose to put them in their as a playable unit.

Enough talk, let some pictures do the talking!

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