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Old 09-28-07, 06:57 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by CB..
well faced with this sort of pig ignorant garbage
This makes me wonder if you read my posts at all and if so, whether you can comprehend them.

i can only repeat what i have allready said...and i have allready said everything at least twice....
It doesn't matter how often you repeat your allegations, presumptions and offenses, this doesn't makes them more true.

folks don't like it...that's up to them..i can only imagine that folks find this sim threatening in some manner..
Yeah, everything is possible in imagination. Best would be you keep your (paranoid ???) imaginations for you. Or like CB.. would say, start a separate thread where you express your imaginations and stop hi-jacking this thread.

and that is none of my buisness...take it else where..this is pathetic people...utterly pathetic..what the hell do you think your actually doing??
Hey, you started it!

i can only suggest that if you are so keen to discuss the many things you believe CANNOT be done with this simulation...that you should indeed start a seperate thread and express your self freely and fully there...
It is an irony that it is actually YOU who is keep talking about things that cannot be done, namely stuff like running VB code in SOF. I have tried to run some VB code and it doesn't run. What doesn't surprises me. Also mixing VB code with script commands would produce nothing more than conflicts.

A game actually can run an external language, imo if this language is supported by a virtual mashine. It would just need to be able to read out the calculation results of it and execute the laguage(VB or what ever) code in separate files, means insert only function calls of that language into the script code.

Also what is the point to insist on things that are very apparently not possible. How does this serve to the moding progress ???

leaving this thread for those who have the desire to discuss what CAN be done with this sim...unless you are absolutely determined to hi-jack this thread..??
See above.

if you wish to discuss IUF then i believe there is in fact a special forum set aside for such discussions??
No i do not want to discuss it here. I just get too excited sometimes. Ignore it. I can even edit it out if it does it feel you any better.

personaly i have allways felt that anybody who uses the phrase.."i'm sorry to dissapoint you but...etc etc" should be banned immediately lol...(but that's just my
That says all about you. This makes me kinda wonder that with an attitude like this you still haven't managed it to get banned from the subsim forum.

as they are never being SINCERE - nor are they ever's actually forum-speak for "wish i'd thought of that... " the author just hasn't got the balls to admit it..
Sincer ? This is getting more and more ironically. I didn't knew you before CB.. and thought you are a nice guy who is trying to mod SOF. You got me initially interested and i thought i help you out here and there with advice. But in return you keep pissing on me with your (paranoid ???) and arrogant presumptions, only because i was of a different oppinion than you.

"folks fear SOF..., Sabotage...., deliberately...., completely different universe"

Your(paranoid ???) imagination indeed runs riot with you.

So why don't YOU admit that you are simple pissed because I refuse to submit unconditioned to your narcism and surreal perception of SOF's limiteless scripting power ?

You seem to be unable to deal with a simple rational matter and seem to piss at any views that doesn't submit uncoditionally to yours. You indeed to seem to project some hidden intentions on me that i actually do not even have.

All i wanted was to offer you my help because i got somewhat interested, not more and not less than this. But you blow it up to the point of a cold war.

I mean if someone starts to shove me under false allegations i feel that i have to reply to that correspondingly. Don't expect anything less then this.

the free and open discussion of modding allways attracts these sorts of negative people..
Yeah, and while you are at it, als don't forget to mention thous egocentric snobs that also seem to be awefully attracted by thous discussions.

it's just a bit of fun mate...that's all it is..
That's just what i was about to say.

if you want to go off on some negative diatribe about how this can't be done or that can't be done..then as far as i'm concerned your not welcome..there are quite enough kill joys in the world to go round...i fail to see the attraction in that sort of behaviour..but i'm sadly in the minority it oft' seems..RTFLMAO...
That's what i would propose to YOU

You talked out loud that SOF runs VB. I thought wow, jumpted into it and..

no it doesn't run VB. I simple told you that and hoped we could go over it and see what actually CAN be done but you kept insisiting it runs VB. I checked the scripts again, dusted off my VB book tried to run some VB code. Nope, it doesn't run. I thought i would do you a favour to make it clear to you that SOF doesn't run VB code. But you perceived this as an sabotage attempt while i meant it as a service for you to explain to you that this is actually SOFs scripting language and not VB.

I am really stomped by your embittered reactions. I meant to help you but you bite my hand.

I made the mistake to get excited by your talks before checking the matter my self, thus my rather disapointed assesment.

wake me up when they're thru some-one..
Wake me up when you have managed to run VB code in SOF.

i am at aloss as to how to deal with some-one how in spite of being able to code their own game insists on telling me i can't run VB code in SOF missions
Oh, let me explain. First, learn coding! Then it would need you only one look and one simple code snipped to realize that SOF doesn't run VB code!

You wouldn't even need to run some code snipped to realize that the code you see in SOF isn't VB but simple SOF's scripting language or any other scripting language around.

For example have you noticed that the "endif" command in SOF is being written in VB as "End If" ?

This alone is enough to doubt that SOF runs VB code. Further comperisons of the SOF scripting language with the actualy VB reveal more and more evidence that SOF doesn't run VB.

And if even this do not convince you that SOF do not run VB code then why don't you try to run some in one of the scripts ?

Heck, i even offered you my assitence in learning coding but now i changed my mind. I fear now you would see this as an infiltration attempt by the leader of the anti SOF conspiracy to sabotage your moding attempts because of fear from SOF :hmm:

when i have allready randomised succesfully almost every aspect of the stock campaign using VB code..
Yeah, you randomized it by using the random function provided by the SOFs scripting language. But what does this have to do with VB ?

you can see the problem....some one is just balls out lie-ing...the disturbing thing is WHY???
Dwelling in arrogance ?

The problem is that someone who apparently lacks even a basic understanding of a specific programming language is arguing about a coding matter with an actual coder(Not that i want to sound arrogant). You don't even notice how you redicule yourself with your uneducated statements.

i frankly just don't get it...
Dude, learn coding! Learn VB. Then it will become very apparent to you.

or rather would prefer it if i didn't get it..
Yeah, dwell in surrealism and prejudices instead. I don't care.

either way the thread and the discussion is sabotaged...again WHY?
Because you cannot stop to post your uneducated BS and incite me with your arrogant and offending presumptions. You rip what i say out of the contex, construct some lunatic allegations out of it and start to blame me for the derailing of this thread.

It is actually a very simple matter that what you deal with here is a scripting language and not VB. I still have a lot to learn but I dare to say that i know coding a hell of alot better than you and I simple offered you my sincer advice, and all you do is screem SABOTAAAAAAGE!!!

Only because i was of a different oppinion. Time for amental check, dude.

Coding inwolves among other things, rational, logical and consiquent thinking to a high degree. You seem to kinda lack all of it. Maybe this is the reason why you was never able to learn it ???

Ah you have a strong instinct. But i can tell you from my experience instinct is not the right tool to learn a coding language. Rather is bastract and logical thinking the way to go.

trouble is with this situation is that i didn't come here to prove anything..just to have a bit of a natter about modding SOF....
Nor did I came here to disprove anything, i also just wanted to have a natter about moding SOF. I thought "hey that guy might have dicovered something really interesting about it. Want to look into it too and eventually help him out."

After looking into it i gave you my sober and sincer assesment of it that is based on a couple of years of coding and scripting/moding experience of other games and general understanding of programming languages. In no way did I had the intention to discourage your modding attempts or somehow put SOF down(what you apparently seem to think).

But apparently that wasn't an assesment you liked to hear. And because it diverged so much from your own "intuitive" "assesment" based on your diffuse understanding of coding(if you have any at all) you started to call me a saboteur, what let's me think that you are indeed an egocentric narcist who lives somewhere between reality and phantasy. You seem to switch between them at will, rip it out of context and coming back with rediculous insolent allegations.

Well, if you preffer to deceive yourself and others about the VB issue then be my guest, it doesn't matters after all. Rationality can never win agains irrationality. So i will loose this debate anyway.

i'm too old to be an "ego trip junkie"

Sorry couldn't resist. That is so ironically

...and often it succesfully hides behind the skirts of forum etiquette..really there isn't an effective way to deal with it that doesn't at the same time ruin the pleasure of discussion out right ,forcing you inexorably into the "ego battle".(we all have one after all..) you have to "win" or "lose".there can be no nattering about what you enjoy if what you are talking about threatens some one else's "area of expertise or percieved forum status"..the spin doctors have won the day again...
It is not my field of expertise that feels threatened, nor my forum status. And if you don't agree with me that SOF cannot run VB code, fine!

What made me pissed off are your insolent allegations of sabotaging your moding attempts because of fear of SOF. You seem to be pretty trigger happy when it comes down to express your prejudices and insolent allegations, and to make the irony perfect you then wonder about people starting with you "ego battles". And as if this wouldn't be enough you come with a phrase like this:
i'm too old to be an "ego trip junkie"
I can't help but start to laugh out loud

And no in no way do i fear SOF, especially not after i saw what it actually is. It is actually the opposite. It will only raise the interest in WWI subsims what is only of benefit for my own project.

And actually i even like SOF to some extent. Sometimes it really hooks me up for some time. Knowing how damn hard it is to pull out a project from scratch i very well aknowledge what the SOF devs pulled out with the limited resources of a budget project. I also recognize that there were pretty high ambitions behind the project and it could have to turned out a really fine sim when they would had some more budget. That it comes with a scripting language at all is phantastic, actually. I hope you have a good time with it(and this is a sincer wish for you from my side). I certainly welcome it that someone finally started to mod SOF, since i too would like to see what all can be pulled out of it.

Anyway you are on your own now, since you awefully discouraged me to help you out anymore. You successfullysabotaged my SOF moding attempts

I almost know in advance how you will reply, so save it. Use your time instead to implement more VB code into SOF instead

I think we are pretty much done with each other. I also hope you are not angry on me as i am not on you. The whole thing isn't worth it. I hope this is at least something we can agree on.

I hope I will be able to resist to post here anymore, since i do not want to "sabotage" your attempts to run VB code in SOF.

Also thanks for the neat clash, it was very entertaining at times and keept me lough out loud quite often.

BTW: If you want to avoid "ego clashs" in the future just put the gun down.

--Deamon has left the building
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